[5] renle ; what's your name?

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TITLE: what's your name?
GENRE: fluff
PAIR: renjun x chenle

SUMMARY: renjun wants to know the name of the cute guy in the library the first time he laid his eyes on him.

note: library!au. markhyuck and nomin are mentioned for a few seconds.

renjun was bored watching television, while eating pizza and a vanilla shake on his table.

he sighed and turned off the television. "aish, what am i gonna do? i'm so bored." he finished his pizza and grabbed his vanilla shake and slurped it.

he's been watching television for about an hour yet he felt bored and stuff with this pizza and shake that he ordered lately.

"if i will go to mark hyung's house, i will be out of place because of donghyuck. if in jaemin's house, i will be out of place also, because of jeno." he sighed, placing his vanilla shake back on his table. "you know what, i'll just go to the library." yep, he's talking to himself.


"good morning!" he greeted the librarian and she greeted back a 'hello, good morning to you, too.'

he finds for his seat and saw a cute guy beside him. he stood up and finds a book for himself to read and then went back to his seat and the cute guy wasn't there anymore.

"that guy is so cute, i wonder what's his name." he mumbled while blushing.

he walked towards the librarian, ms. nam and asked, "ms. nam, what's the name of the guy who sat there?" he pointed the seat that the guy sat on.

"oh, let me checkㅡ"

"ms. nam, may i borrow this book?" a little girl stood beside him, handing a book to ms. nam.

"sure, juhwi-ssi." she smiled at the girl and looked at renjun, "renjun-ssi, i'll tell you later, okay?"

"it's fine, ms. nam. thank you." he smiled before heading back to his seat.


the next morning, he went to the library again, hoping to see the cute guy and get a chance to ask for his name.

he went to the shelves of fiction section and just picked a random book. he saw the cute guy in the corner, writing on a notebook. he sighed and mumbled, "he's so cute, i really wanna know his name." he giggled while finding a seat.

he watched him from a far, holding a piece of sticky paper with a note 'you're so cute. what's your name?' that he wrote a few seconds ago.

the cute guy left, leaving his notebook on his table, and that gave renjun a chance to stick the note on the cute guy's notebook before going back to his seat.

the cute guy went back to his seat. he creased his forehead, looking confused because there's a note saying 'you're so cute. what's your name?' sticking on his blue spiral notebook. he blushed a bit and unstick the paper.

"who did this?" he looked around to see if anyone's watching him but all the people are busy reading a book or writing their homeworks. he sighed, shrugging his shoulder then he fold the paper and put it inside his wallet while smiling.

renjun smiled, pretending to read the random book he picked from the shelf so that the cute guy wouldn't notice him that he's the one who stuck the paper.


the next day, he went to the library again. he wants to see the cute guy once more. not to be desperate, but he really wants to know his name.

"good morning, ms. nam!"

"good morning to you, huang-ssi."

he sat at the corner, waiting for the cute guy to arrive. he stayed at the library looking at the door but the cute guy seems not going to come at the library. he sighed and decided to leave the place. he felt hopeless.

while walking at the sidewalk, he saw a familiar guy approaching him. he widen his eyes as saw that it's the cute guy at the library. he stood by an abandoned warehouse, looking dazed while staring at the guy.

"uh, a-are you huang renjun?"

he blinked several times and gulped. "y-yeah. how did y-you know?"

"well, i saw you at the library and you're so adorable. you seemed very close with the librarian so i asked her your name. also, she said that you're asking for my name too, so i'm guessing this was from you?" the cute guy handed the familiar sticky paper to him.

he scratched the back of his neck and nervously laughed, "well, y-yes, that was from me. i'm sorry, this is embarrasing." he played with his fingers while awkwardly staring at the cute guy infront of him.

the cute guy smiled and giggled, "my name is zhong chenle. nice to meet you!"

zhong chenle. "n-nice to meet you, too."

"perhaps, do you wanna go to the ice cream parlor? their ice cream cake is so delicious. don't worry, it's my treat." chenle grinned and he can't get his eyes off of the guy.

"y-yeah, sure." chenle held his hands and he was pretty sure he just died inside. freakin' finally!


© snowysung

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