Chapter 4

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I couldn't focus on the training.
I was thinking of how much I hurted Patricia. I was thinking of my family and how much I fucked up everything.
I was standing with Amelia next to the entrance to the hall where the performance will take place.
"I can't do this." I said to her.
I felt hopeless.
I felt weak.
"You have to. Remember; even if you don't do well you can survive the games." She got closer and whispered it to my ear.
"But I think that whatever you'll do will be great in it's own way." Amelia whispered, my heart was racing.
She kissed me on the check and I walked into the hall.

There was a mannequin, weapons and bunch of gamemakers watching.

This can't be as hard as it looks, right?

I took an axe and took a deep breath.

"Focus, Dominic." I thought.

I threw the axe at the mannequin.

It landed near the middle.
I missed.
The gamemakers immediately lost interest and started talking and laughing with eachother.
I didn't want to give up now, I was thinking of things I could do.
Nothing came up to my mind.

Out of frustration I took the table where the weapons were standing and threw it at the mannequin. I scream and the table made such loud noise that all the gamemakers looked at me with silence.

I walked out of the room.


Patricia told me that she made a trap on the performance.
We were waiting patiently for the result. I honestly, couldn't care less about this performance.
"Alright, let's see how you two did!" Tesla said happily and turned on the tv.

Vance District 1 - 10 points
Eric District 1 - 10 points
Poppy District 2 - 11 points
Chris District 2 - 11 points
Emil District 4 - 6 points
Sam District 6 - 7 points
Octavia District 7 - 9 points
Terence District 7 - 6 points
Patricia District 8 - 8 points
Dominic District 8 - 11 points
Iris District 9 - 10 points
Cleo District 11 - 7 points
Francis District 11 - 9 points
Abby District 12 - 11 points

I got 11 points which is quite good. Many people got 11 too so luckily so I don't stand out much. Patricia's score isn't bad too especially that she is the only one who got 8 points, it's not a lot but no one else got it.
"Well done, you two!" Tesla said.
"So, you haven't told us what you did, Dominic." Amelia said smiling.
"Yeah, Dominic share with us!" Orion added.
"Well, I..." I got a little embarrassed for a moment.
"I threw the table." I said.
Patricia laughed just like Amelia and Orion. (Thor passed out again.)
"Not bad." Amelia said.

It was a night before the interviews. I was sleeping when I heard a scream nearby. It was Amelia's.
"Is she getting hurt?" I thought.
I took scissors as a weapon because I had nothing else and rushed into Amelia's room.
When I got there I saw her sweating and crying in her bed.
"Dominic?" She looked at me suprised and quickly noticed the scissors in my hand.
"Oh, I thought that someone is trying to hurt you so I..." I felt embarrassed but she understood what I wanted to say.
"You wanted to protect me, thank you." She said.
"I just had a nightmare, it's nothing much." Amelia added.
"Do you want me to stay with you?" I asked.
She nodded her head and we end up sleeping together for the whole night.


The last day.

The interview.

I was wearing a brown suit and Tesla was making sure I look good. They even shaved my beard.
"There are going to be a lot of sponsors there!" She smiled.
"Great." I responded and looked at the screen so I can watch the other tributes interview.

I found out that Vance from District 1 is a daughter of a victor from 119 Hunger Games.
Not many people's interview I found interesting except Patricia's ofcourse.

"You're here with your brother, right?" Leon asked.
"Yes, I am." Patricia answered.
"How working with your brother is like?"
"Well, it's great. We're close but there's something taking his attention away." She said.
"What is it?"
"He met a special woman." She replied.
"The victor of 95th Hunger Games, Amelia Lecter."
As she said that the crowd got excited.

What is she talking about?
I told her that there's nothing between us!
What if she's saying this to get sponsors for me?

I was shocked and confused but I decided that I will play along in whatever game she is playing.

Then it finally came my turn.
I sat down next to the reactor.
I was nervous but I was doing my best not to show it.
"Hello, Dominic." Leon said.
"Your sister told us your secret here, is what she said true?" He asked.
"Yes, it is." I answered.
"But I heard you have kids back in the District 8?"
"I have an older daughter Emily and a younger son Lance. My wife and their mother passed away two years ago." I explained.
"I see, good for you that you found someone new." He said.
"And tell me how is it to be tributes along with your sister?"
"Well, it's-" I wanted to say something but then I realized that this is a great opportunity to do something.
"Actually, Leon I want to say something. I need to say something to my sister and I want it to be infront of everyone." I said.
"Ofcourse." Leon was confused but he gave me the microphone.
I stood up and looked at the camera.
"Patricia, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not being a good brother. But if we're here and we're here together, I want you to be the one who comes back home as a victor." I said.
The crowd went silent but then they started cheering.
"Amazing!" Leon said.
I gave him back the microphone and walked off the stage.

I met with Patricia, Tesla, Amelia, Thor and Orion later.
I was nervous about what will Patricia said but she ran to me and hugged me.
"You're such an idiot." She said jokingly.
"I know." I replied.
"I must say that romance between Amelia and Dominic is a good idea to get sponsors." Orion said.
I exchanged a look with Amelia, she didn't say anything she just smiled.

Ready - Quarter Quel Series Part 3 Hunger Games Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now