The Sleeping Darkness

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He sat there. Ten stories up, dipping blood from his soaked clothes. His arms slashed to the bone, the sun setting in the distance behind him. His name was Amaimon and these wounds are not fatal. He is aware of this. The thought of his injuries never crossed his mind. No his thoughts were on his brother.

"Ni-san, why..." Why, did this have to happen? Why did it have to be you in the first place? Anyone else, and I wouldn't care. I can't go on with this knowledge. I won't, no matter how much I love you.

****Three nights before****

Amaimon awoke in a cold sweat, the horrific image fading from his mind. Darkness, filled the voids where eyes should have been. The face unclear, but the feeling of death and evil pierces to his very soul.

"Aniue" Amaimon quietly opened the door to his brothers room. He is sound asleep and does not like to be awakened. But Amaimon is to terrified to be alone, "Aniue? Are you awake?" A sqeak is heard from the bed as Mephisto turns to face his brother. "What do you want Amaimon? And it better not be stupid." Amaimon pauses carefully choosing his words as to not anger his brother. "I-I had a really bad- I can't sleep- there was umm..." Mephisto sits up " the nightmare again?" Amaimon can speak but only nods, unconcerned that his brother may not be able to see him in the dark room. "Come here..." Mephisto opens his arms as Amaimon climbs onto his lap. He holds his Ni-san tight in his strong arms. Mephisto tucks his little brother into the crook of his neck ignoring the feeling of tears streaming down the face buried in his shoulder.

"Aniue, can I sleep in here tonight?" A hand brushed through his hair, followed by a voice much gentler than he had expected. "Of course you can."

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