Safe In My Brothers Arms

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"Brother, I'm not ill!!!" Amaimon squealed in protest trying to worm out of the bundle of covers he was trapped in. His older brother had made him lay back down, and is now preparing some vile looking medicine. "Of course you are just look at you. Sweating, eyes swollen, and you can't even summon enough power to get out of bed." Mephisto responded with annoyance rather than sympathy.

"Here take this... And stop squirming!!" A spoon containing a dark green horrid smelling liquid was placed in his face. Ehh.. There was no escaping it, and drawing out the inevitable would only anger his brother. So he took it with a sour face. "There feel better now?" "No..." He mumbled under his breath. "Well try and get some more sleep I'll be back tonight." "No! No Anuie please don't go. I'm afraid to be alone, can you stay with me?" "No Amaimon I can't you are not a child and you need to deal with these silly....." He broke off noticing his Ni-san was in tears again. Exhaling he sat beside him and pulled him into his arms. "Shh... My dear its okay. I have to go to work today, but if you promise to behave you can sleep on the couch." "Really Anuie!" He said with a smile. He had not been allowed in his brother's school since is little show at the Vatican.

***True Cross Academy***

"Now you will stay here, no whining or talking, and for all the candy in Assiah no screaming!" Mephisto stated in the firm commanding voice reserved only for Amaimon.

"Alright," he closed his eyes and drifted off into the sweet land of his unconscious.


Amaimon stood high up looking down upon the large colorful valley. Behemoth was licking the back of his heels. The air smelled sweet, swirls of colors wisp around him as if they were wind. Ahh.. These were the dreams he was fond of this was the land under his control.

He revealed in the calm and imagined land. He ran down through the valley, licking every lollipop growing from the chocolaty ground. He danced and flew throughout his kingdom devouring anything strawberry in his sight. At last he came to a small one room cabin he had made for Mephisto. It was made of gingerbread, but covered head to toe in pink and white stripes. He entered into the house.

The walls were covered with diamonds, flowers, and shiny pieces of colored glass. A large mattress with silk sheets and matching canopy were all that occupied the space. Amaimon nestled himself in the mound of pillows. Breathing in the intoxicating aroma of his brother.

The warmth around him bings to fade into a bone piercing chill. Amaimon lifts his head only to find himself lying on a hard stone floor, the color around him faded into gray. The eerie feeling once again returned to him. The breath leaves his lungs, and a scent of dirt approaches his nose. Darkness as a fog seeps under the walls, creeping across the floor. It comes close to Amaimon's ankles as it forms into long and slender fingers. The fingers snake across the floor curling around him. Amaimon thrashes his legs trying to break free. It seems to have no effect.

The darkness swarms into a mass connected to the fingers. The form of a cloaked figure appears hovering just over the floor.

Amaimon screams but it becomes lodged in his troat. "Save me, brother, help." The figure comes closer, only inches from his face. "Amaimon, look at me... Look don't you know who I am..." The voice seemed to come from all around him. It was not loud but deafening in the silence that follows. "No, no!! Go away, help Anuie please save me"...

Amaimon cried until his vision became blurred. Everything began to spin around him, until he blacked out. Finally smelling the strong odor of dirt mixed with something he had not smelled since he came to Assiah ... Something characteristic of the depths of Gennah itself.

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