Togther Alone

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He held Amaimon's hand on the walk back, their fingers tightly intertwined. Neither had realized just how far they had gone, the walk seemed to take hours. By the time they had returned home the first steaks of pink had been painted across the sky.

"I'll see you later Aunie," Amaimon said with a disappointed voice. "What are you talking about?" "You are leaving me to go to work..." He sighed. "No, not a chance in the world would I leave you right now." He said sliding his arms around the younger's waist, placing his nose beneath his ear and taking a deep, breath letting the scent flood his body.

A warmth shuttered through Amaimon, for the first time understanding the implications of his brothers actions. He smiled, placing his hand on Mephisto's neck.

He was pushed against the front door, and his lovers body pressed against him. Their lips met, a soft but firm split second kiss.

Mephisto pulled away, running his hand through the little one's hair. His finger traced the edges of Amaimon's face, resting under his chin, raising it up for another kiss.

Passionate and heated, lips mashed with tongues, teeth grinding against each other. It was satisfying but not enough, they entered the house.

Mephisto laid his brother on the couch in the main room, he left and came back with pillows and a blanket.

"Why are we sleeping in here?" Amaimon asked. "The bedroom wall is broken, so we are out here until it is fixed." He replied kissing him on the forehead. "Get some rest my dear, we will have plenty of time I'm taking the entire week off, its just for us."

Amaimon smiled, it was the best gift ever, a week with his brother all for him.

As he drifted off he could felt it, he knew he was loved and would always be.



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