The Terror Grows

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****The Next Morning****

The earth king awakened alone in his brothers bed. The air was cool and glowing with the early mornings light. Mephisto had work at the academy to attend to, and had likely left earlier that morning. He had however left his brother a small bowl of strawberries and a shot glass full of sugar. (He was always trying to get his younger sibling to eat better, even if it didn't really matter.) Amaimon did actually like the sweet fruit so within a minute he had finished them off, then he poured the sugar into his mouth and downed it in one gulp. After he proceeded to the shower.


"Behemoth! Behemoth!" He shouted into every room in his brothers mansion. It was a large place, so he had been at it for about an hour and there had still been no sign of his beloved pet. As he searched the last room the feeling of being alone crept back onto his chest. "Where are you Behemoth!" Still no anwser.

CREEEEKKK.... A door slowly opened behind him. Has that always been there? He wondered to himself, this part of the house had always given him the creeps.

The door continued to inch open, and a darkness seemed to pour out of it like smoke. A sound, like the scraping of nails on a chalk board, accompanied the feeling of horror rising up in the green haired demon. He turns to run though the door from which he originally entered but it is nowhere to be found. In fact none of the room around him seems to be familiar. The walls seem void of color, and the floor now resembles rotten wood. There is no escape to be found.

The entering darkness forms itself in to a claw like presence. Adrenaline and fear race through his veins now but he is trapped and unable to move. His breathing shallows and he finds himself dizzy with the room spinning around him.

"Amaimon!! Amaimon, are you ok?" The spinning becomes the voice of his older brother. "Amaimon, its ok I'm here just breath. Its all going to be okay." The earth king opens his eyes to find himself in the bathroom, wrapped in his siblings arms. "Anuie..? What- what happened?" "Shhh... Amaimon its okay behemoth found me, I've got you and its going to be alright." "What are you talking about Ni-san?" Amaimon begins to shake from the chill of the room on his still wet body. "You had collapsed on the floor. And were screaming your head off!"

"Oh.. I'm sorry brother." Amaimon says weakly, "it won't happen again." At this Mephisto looks down and notices the scared and trembling wet body in his arms. He lifts him and carries him back to the bed.

"ANUIE!!!" Amaimon hollers in protest as his brother removes his towel leaving him exposed. "O hush I'm not going to hurt you but you will certainly not soak my clean and dry bed!" Mephisto takes the towel and begins to dry his brother. Then gathers something from his drawers for him to wear. "Hear put this on."

The now dry boy does as he has been told without complaint. "Then we can about what has gotten into you."

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