Amaimon's Nightmare

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Smoke, no sulfur. Strong, overwhelmingly, it burns the inside of his nose. "Amaimon! Look at me, look." Amaimon refuses to respond, he turns his head squeezing his eyes tighter. He breathing intensified, rapid shallow breaths.

Something cold, strong, with sharp nails constricts around his small wrist. It pulls back bringing Amaimon towards it, "Look at me, do you know who I am."

"No, no I don't want to, please go away." A shrill laugh was emitted from the dark entity, it was cruel, cold and sent shivers up Amaimon's spine.

Tears once again stream down the usually composed demon's face. A sharp intake of breath is brought into his lungs when he feels the the cool, wet tongue lap up the tears. "Hahaha, Amaimon, look at me now, look...." Amaimon slowly turns his head, and lifts his eyelids just enough to glimpse the horror constraining him.

He was hooded, long and slender, draped across the floor. The darkness seeping from the openings where appendages should have been.

Amaimon stares terrified, thinking he has seen the worst. No, that thought leaves his mind when he glances to where the face should be.

A void, total darkness, like staring into the abyss. "Amaimon...Amaimon..." The voice changes to one more familiar. "Amaimon... Amaimon wake up."

Slowly the dark and colorless room around him fades, where the shades of gray once were pale pink resides. The cold floor morphed into the fuzzy diamond studded couch in his older brother's office.

"Amaimon, wake up! Now!" "Aunie? What- what happened?" "What do you mean what happened! I told you Amaimon you had to stay quiet, that meant no screaming! You are disrupting the peace in my school! I mean seriously what is wrong with you today! I can't take dealing with you anymore!" "Aunie... I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong, there is something horrible in my dreams. And I'm truly frightened."

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