Calm Before the Storm

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The morning greeted the demon kings with a cool breeze. Mephisto awoke first, as he always does; Amaimon was still pressed against him. He head was tucked under his Aunie's chin, and he was purring contently and seemed to be sleeping peacefully for the first time in days.

Mephisto stoked his siblings hair, it was always so soft. His hand grazed his ear, it was warm. He repeated his action, purposely this time. A smile crossed his face, it was unlike the usual cold and fake facade he wore, this was authentic, it was warm and happy.

He was aware his brother loved him, but he never could quite describe it. His slender fingers caressing Amaimon's eyebrow.

Look at his little one so trusting, so naive, so unaware of even the changes going on inside himself.

Mephisto moved closer, he smelled his hair, it was coconut scented due to the new shampoo he was using. He went lower he could almost taste the sugar on his breath. His destination was the small scent gland beneath his ear, he took a long, deep, and intoxicating breath. If only the sleeping demon knew how he smelled. If only he knew what this scent did to his big brother....


Amaimon awoke in the early afternoon, it was warm in the pink tinted room. He could feel his stomach growling, and for some reason he had a craving for bugs. He stood to his feet, there was a strange heavy feeling throughout his body. He was hot, it felt like there was a fire searing his bones.

He got into the bathroom and soaked his face in cold water until the sensation subsided. But the person who glared back at him from the mirror, the face.

A wave of fear rushed though him remaining where the heat once was. No this wasn't possible. No it couldn't be him.

The face was gray, devoid of all life, and devoid of eyes. Where the structures once were blood now seeped out staining his cheeks. How had this happened, he moved his fingers up to touch the area. To assure himself it was all another nightmare.

His fingers, they were strange; long, sharp, black claws protrude from the tips. They were smeared in blood, and torn flesh could be seen.

His heart began to race even faster, breath escaped his lungs. With the last bit of air and strength he released a scream which sounded like it echoed from the depths of Gennah.

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