Alone... Together

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Amaimon remained motionless, sitting on top of the dam. Alone, with his thoughts and the setting sun behind him. He had been waiting, crying until no tears remained. The rage that had been hidden buried deep within had escaped, leaving only the feeling of loss.

Why had it been his brother, if he had chosen any other demon rejection would not have even fazed him. But his Aunie, he had a power over him, more than just from his place in the hierarchy. Would his love ever come for him. Amaimon would wait, even after this place crumbled around him even if it took eternity. He would remain in this place, chained by the pieces of his shattered heart.


The world had grown dark, but that which he was trailing was brighter and stronger than the sun. His scent could be traced, smelled, enjoyed from miles away. It had hit Mephisto since he awakened from inside the wall.

It was overpowering, and intoxicating, and all for him. Amaimon had entered a parallel realm accidentally when he clobbered his brother. Now the world around them was unaware of their existence.

He could be seen from far off, he sat high atop a dam, and he was on fire. Blue flames danced off his gashed skin.

Mephisto fought the urge within himself to run to his little one. He was still in all out demon form, and without control. Dangerous, a complication of raw power and rage, despite the appearance of calm.

It was strange, back in Gennah he would not have thought twice about situation. He would have just left him alone to rot, but now all he felt was sorrow. It was unexplainable, was this the feeling of love humans are always trying to communicate.

"Ni-san.... Are you alright?"

"Aunie.... You-you found me. Pl-please help something's very wrong" he cried, tears swelling back in his healing eyes.

Mephisto climbed up and sat beside his little one. "Shhh... Its alright." Mephisto wrapped his arms around Amaimon, and pets his hair.

"Its going to be alright." After sometime he stops crying and begins to return to his original size. "Are you alright?" Mephisto, says his voice kind.

"No, I don't know what is happening to me...." He whispers. "You have transformed," he looks up and their eyes meet. "You have gained the abilities that you left when you came to Assiah. There is nothing wrong with you, its normal and I have been expecting it."

"I love you, Aunie." He blurted out, almost regretting it.

"I love you too, my darling" Mephisto said pulling his little one onto his lap.

"Let's go home, you need some rest."

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