Revalations Destroy Patience

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"Amaimon, please try to eat something. It will make you feel better." Mephisto told his sibling from across the dining table. "Can I have some candy for dinner instead?" Amaimon said back in his usual static voice. "Meat is good for you, Amaimon at least try some."

Amaimon poked the raw steak with his fork, it oozed blood. He didn't want to eat the meat, he didn't like it. He wanted some of those sweet lollipops that his brother got him when he wanted something from him. They were always the best.

He didn't want to argue with his brother, he was still weak. So he ate the metallic tasting flesh without another world. "Brother can I ask you something?" Amaimon asked after he and his brother had cleaned their plates. "What is it?" Mephisto snapped his fingers and the plates vanished. "Brother, do you know what's wrong with me?" Mephisto sighed "Darling, do you seriously not know what has been haunting you?" "Of course I don't know if I did I would stop it! Please stop laughing! Its not funny!!" Amaimon shouted angrily.

"Do not raise your voice at me Amaimon, besides it the meaning behind your dreams should be obvious." Mephisto folded his fingers under his chin and smirked slightly. "Well I could tell you, but since that outbreak I don't think I will."

With that Mephisto got up and walked out of the room, "Wait! Please!" Amaimon shouted after him but he didn't even glance back.


The water pour down over his head, it was warm and focused his wandering thoughts.

What did he mean that it should be obvious, how was he supposed to identify the faceless darkness. As he thought he watched Behemoth lapping and splashing and the pooling water in the tub.

Amaimon smiled at him, he could always cheer him up.

"Knock, knock get out or I'm coming in." Mephisto sang from behind the door. "Go away I don't want to talk to you, and the door is locked."

"Like that's going to stop me." His brother said but now they were only separated by the curtain. Fingers appeared curling around the curtain. "I'm almost done Aunie just give me a second." The curtain was opened ever so much and Behemoth jumped out making Mephisto swear. "Amaimon! What have I told you about letting him into my shower. Now my bathroom is soaked! I'm not cleaning this up! Hurry up, I'm getting cold."

"I'm done hand me a towel and I'll leave." "Come out and get one." Amaimon peeked his head out, his brothers clean clothes were on the counter with his. And both of their dirty clothes were piled on the floor. The towel however was nowhere to be found. "Brother where is my towel." "O, I put it on the bed..." Mephisto said with a voice as innocent as he could manage. "Aunie, you know I don't want to come out without a towel!" "O hush, go dry off and get in bed I'll be in there in a minute."


Amaimon's hair was already dry when his brother entered into the room. Once he was dressed for bed he sat on his side and reached for his book. Amaimon buried his face in the sheets. Soon after he felt a hand brushing through his hair. "Ni-san why are you hiding from me?" He continues stoking his hair, as he moves to lay beside him. He feels the warmth even through the sheets, the smaller boy tries to turn away. "Ni-san please look at me," Amaimon just wiggles in response. "Come on now, hmm... Will you do as your brother asks?" Mephisto's voice is soft as he presses a kiss against the little one's ear.

As Amaimon turns his brothers arm drapes across his chest, as it plays with the tips of hair at the base of his neck. "Aunie, if you won't tell me then would you hold me tonight so I feel safe?" Mephisto smiles and wraps his arms around the other body and brings him closer. Amaimon presses his ear against his chest listening to the steady beat of his heart. It was calming, and provides the desire for safety he has been longing for.

"Thank you Aunie..." Amaimon voices quietly, as he drifts off to sleep.

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