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Hero POV:

Hero was doing schoolwork, mostly on history and different medical procedures when he heard a very, very panicked knock on the door. Hero was surprised that someone was here at this time. Besides, he didn't think any packages were gonna arrive today, and Kel was out with Sunny. Hero opened the door, and was surprised at what he saw. Kel's lower leg was bloody and looked as if someone had driven knives through it.


Hero caught himself swearing, but didn't have enough time to stop himself.

"I can explain later, I just need help making sure this thing doesn't bleed out."

Hero's mind was racing. How did this even happen? Who would do this? Why would-

Hero, you NEED to calm down. You can't panic in a situation like this, you need to help him. You remember that there was a first-aid kit somewhere in a closet, and you quickly signal for Kel and Sunny to stay there.

You run into the house, and your mom notices that you are in quite the rush.

"Hero, stop running in the house! You could wake up Sally!"

You look at your mom after slowing down to a fast walk before heading to the closet. You open up the closet door, and realized how messy it was.

"Not here... nope, not this..." You murmur to yourself, until you finally find an old first aid kit, with just enough supplies in it to get the job done.

You walk out of the closet and head back outside, and quickly pull out some medical adhesive tape and gauze out of the first-aid kit and wrap it around Kel's leg, helping to stop blood from getting everywhere.

"We should probably get this checked out, but it doesn't look like there are any broken bones."

Sunny speaks up. "Should we take him to the doctors right now or-?"

"Yeah, it's probably best if we do. Come on Sunny, let's go."

You, Sunny, and Kel head over near the plaza. The nearest doctors office is around 15 minutes away from the plaza, but Hero felt like it was going to be the longest 15 minutes of his life.

Around 3 minutes into the walk, Kel tries to spark up a conversation.

"So uh, Hero. How's school been going?"

*sigh* "Same as always Kel, same as always."

"Oh, ok. How about you Sunny? How's school been going?"

Sunny looks at Kel with a deadpan expression on his face.

"Fine I guess. It can get boring sometimes, but it's overall pretty decent."

You see the look on Kel's face as Sunny says that. It seems slightly happy, but also sad that do one really wanted to talk.

"That sounds good, at least I know you are- OW"

You see Kel grab his leg and wince, and you notice that the bleeding had picked up again. "He probably just moved it too much, besides, with a wound like this, he shouldn't be moving." You think to yourself, but you don't worry about it too much.

"Maybe you just moved it too much Kel?" You say to him. "Sometimes wounds can partially re-open if moved too much."

"Yeah, I guess it probably just re-opened a little. Hey, at least we are getting closer to the doctor's office!" Kel says back to you.

"Yeah, at least we are getting closer."

*10 minutes later, around 3 blocks away from the office*

Kel pipes up. "Hey look Sunny! I can see the office from here!"

Sunny turns to face Kel. "Yeah, I guess that's nice."

You look around, and notice a familiar shop. The shop had instruments on display, and a small area to test some select ones out. The name seemed to ring a bell. Where had you heard it before?

*You point to the shop*

"Hey Kel, wasn't this the shop we got Sunny's violin from?"

"Yeah! I think so-"

*You look at Sunny, and notice a more uncomfortable expression start to appear on his face. Kel notices this as well*

"Maybe we shouldn't be talking about this right now, Hero."

"Yeah, I agree Kel."

You and the rest of the group walk into the doctor's office, and wait in the waiting lounge.

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