Chapter 17

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Hello 🙋🏼‍♀️ I am sending hellos to you and HYBE LABELS

This chapter is short as fuck - I want to introduce a new character and detect new information!!! 


Jin's POV:
During our journey, I fell asleep. I didn't care about the sceneries that were around on our way. Sunset, sunrise, colorful clouds, fresh green grass, mountains, and rivers only reminded me of beautiful things that I'll miss the most when I will be prisoned or dead.

"My majesty, wake up," Jae-hwan whispered as he softly woke me up. I opened my eyes to be blinded by the bright sun.

"Pull the blinds! I want to sleep more." I whined and closed my eyes.

"My majesty, I am worried that you cannot sleep. Actually, we are already here." Jae-hwan whispered, and I opened my eyes in realization. I slowly sat up and looked at worriedly frowned Jae-hwan. I nodded and then looked at the door of the car that slowly opened. Everything was happening in slow motion. I felt nauseous and was about to fall unconscious when the car's door opened, and there were at least 10 knights. I got out of the car and tried my best to look confident but uninterested and arrogant - just my ordinary mask.

"Welcome to Anyang, my Majesty." One of them, probably their commander, robotically said, and all of them bowed to me. I said nothing and viewed the great Castle in front of me. It was a lavish mansion that was designed in youthful and very fancy style. The castle's look caught my eye at first sight, but it doesn't make me want to stay here even for a minute.

"The king of Anyang is waiting for you. Please, follow me." The commander said again and then turned around. I took it as a sign to follow him inside. I decided to be obedient this time and follow him. The rest of the knights made a circle around us and escorted us to the throne hall. On our way to the king, I already felt like a prisoner. Only handcuffs were missing. When we were at the great hall, I saw a round podium with a huge and tall throne. The podium was so high that there were stairs to get to the throne. Behind the throne were 3 giant windows that let sunlight to the hall, and I could see how the floor and all furniture were polished and reflected light.

After reading!!!! - Read the questionnaire at the end of the page!!!!! 

"My king, prince Kim Seokjin arrived," Commander reported, and then he and all of the knights bowed. Even Jae-hwan bowed, but I kept standing straight. I frowned and watched the motionless king on his throne. I could not see his face because of the tall throne's backboard that made a shadow.

"Hi," I said boredly with my arms crossed on my chest.

"Majesty! What are you doing?!" Jae-hwan yelled in a whisper at me. I shrugged and looked away from the king, who kept silent and motionless. Then I saw from the side-view that the king lifted one of his fingers, and his servant literally ran to his side. King whispered something to him, and the servant obediently nodded. He ran down the stairs and stood up in front of us.

"Commander Seo, take all of your men and escort the prince's servant to his chamber." King's servant said arrogantly. Then he and the king's other servants left the hall. Jae-hwan didn't want to leave me, but I gave him a little approving nod. He watched me with worried eyes while he was pushed out of the hall. The last thing I heard was the sound of closing a big door of the hall, and then there was only silence. I couldn't see the king's face, but I felt his stare. His eyes were pinned to me since I arrived. He probably thinks I didn't notice, but I saw his silhouette in a window when I got out of the car. Maybe he likes me. I am not interested in old-ass king, but I think it is better than to be pinned to the wall with swords or some other way to kill me.

"It is good to see you," King said suddenly.

"MAYBE I would say the same thing, but I cannot see you because of that shadow from your big ass throne. Do you compensate with that something?" I was talking faster than thinking, as always. I cursed myself inside, but what was said, I cannot take back. But then I heard a chuckle, so I relaxed a little. Then he stood up and, with slow steps, went down the stairs. When he stood on the same ground like me, I could see his face clearly. He is very young and handsome as fuck. He looks like God. Black hair where I would tangle my fingers. Amazing features that would make me crawl to his bed. Just the perfect face I would love to sit on. But not now. Now, I am pissed off, and I hate him. He stared into my eyes and smiled.

"Throne belonged to my father. I don't need to compensate anything." He said with a smirk. I looked at him from his top to toe and from toe to his face.

"You wish." I scoffed and lifted my left eyebrow while watching him. 

"I think you will change your opinion after our closer gets to knowing." He said confidently and winked at me. I had to process what he just said and then I spoke.

"So, I assume there will be no murdering or torturing," I said confidently, but I was scared as fuck inside and hoped it is true and I won't die. He didn't say anything and just made more steps to me, I didn't want to look insecure, so I stayed in my place. I would lie if I said that he didn't look better from closer proximity. Now, when he was merely half a meter from me, I could see all little things. Even a little mole on his nose. Then he leaned closer to me. I still stayed calm and didn't move. He went even closer until his mouth was next to my ear. I could smell the amazing scent of his cologne. I felt as my heart began to beat a little faster when he softly whispered to my ear.

"I think you'll scream and beg, but it won't be from torture but pleasure. And please, I like to be addressed as daddy or Taehyung."


Jin with...





I need to know as fast as possible - please vote!!!!!!!

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