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        Itna smiled, blushing lightly, “So, the water is pretty amazing today."

        Mehk slid closer to her, “Not the only thing." Rolling her eyes, she pulled him into a kiss.

        After breaking the kiss, she looked at his arm, “So, would it be awkward to ask how you are supposed to bathe with a mechanical arm?"

        “Very carefully," he laughed, lifting his arm slightly, “Watch this." The air compressed and all the openings were filled, leaving the arm waterproof.

        Her eyes widened slightly, “Woah..."

        Returning it to its original position, he laughed, “It’s not that cool, really."

        “You’re talking to a cheetah that’s lived secluded in a desert for her entire life. You’d be surprised what I find cool."

        “And I lived in a four foot by seven foot cell with a steel door and a camera," Mehk said backingly.

        Itna stuck her tongue out at him, then licked his face, “Meow!"

        He pulled her into a passionate kiss, partially stunning her, “Bark." She blushed, cuddling up to him on the warm sand. Soon Mehk fell asleep.

Mehk and ItnaWhere stories live. Discover now