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        Later that day, as the sun dropped below the horizon, Itna stepped out of the tent, walking to Mehk, who sat by the waters edge, "The temperature has started dropping, so she'll be okay for the night."

       Mehk stood, hugging her, "When do you think she'll wake?"

       Burying her face in his chest, she sighed, "I don't know. In her current state it's impossible to tell." Mehk hugged Itna tight, as if reassuring her. They both slipped quietly to the ground, lying on the cooling sand in each others embrace. After a moment, Itna broke the silence, "She had been travelling in the desert and stumbled upon this oasis just like you, in nearly the same condition..."

       "What's your point?" Mehk asked.

       Itna looked him in the eyes, "What if she was running from something too? What if she's in danger?" Mehk froze, "Mehk, what if something horrible's happened? What if-" Mehk pulled her closer, his strong arms calming her as she listened to his steady breaths.

       "Whatever happens, we face it together." His voice soothed her and her eyes slipped closed, giving into the exhaustion of the day. Itna woke to Mehk kissing her gently. She opened her eyes slowly, looking around. Spotting the woman cooking by a small fire, Itna sat up.

       "You're awake! Are you alright?" Itna stood up, wiping the sand from her fur as she walked over.

       The woman smiled, "Yes, I am fine. I was told that I was to thank you for that Miss Lieta."

       Mehk popped in, "She woke up just before me. I explained what happened and she insisted on making us breakfast." The woman handed them each a plate of food and the three sat together.

       "So, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" Itna spoke between bites. The woman smiled, nodding. "Well, for starters, who are you?"

       "My name is Rayla Furrows. This may be a bit difficult to hear, but I knew your mother. Her and I were quite close actually. Like sisters, some would say." Itna's eyes widened and she stopped eating, litening to Rayla as she spoke. "I was there, actually, on the day you were born. You were a beautiful young kit. That was the day your mother gave me the privilage of being your godmother. She made me swear that I would take care of you if something were to ever happen to her..."

       "What happened? I-I can't remember you being there." Itna stared, almost desperate for answers.

       "I was a traveller in my youth. The hunger for adventure drove me to leave for great periods of time. One day, I found myself in a bad place. Without even knowing what I had done wrong, I was taken aboard some man's ship. To keep myself alive, I cooked for them, cleaned for them, and cared for their injured and sick. One day, we docked at Darkbay, West of here. I went into the shops to get supplies for us to set sail again when I heard word of Retlehs and what had happened there. I knew I had a promise to keep and I would not break it. Leaving Darkbay as fast as I could, I found my way to Retlehs, but it was not as I had remembered it at all... I just knew that you were still alive. Something inside me knew you had to have survived, and here you are, after all these years." A tear slipped down her face and she wiped it away, "Sorry about that. I'm quite the mess, aren't I?"

       Without speaking, Itna leapt at Rayla, hugging her tight. Rayla gasped, then hugged her back. They stayed like this for several minutes before parting, smiles on their faces. "Oh, Itna, you are the blossoming image of your mother. You must tell me all of what you've been up to these past years." Rayla spoke, taking Itna's hands. Itna nodded, tears lightly staining her fur.

Mehk and ItnaWhere stories live. Discover now