{6} Take care

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🎵 Videoclub - Roi


Of course she didn't expect him to stay and cuddle after sex but she was surprised and a little disappointed with him leaving so soon.

She called herself an Uber and took a shower in the hotel bathroom whilst waiting for the car. Her body felt like it was hit by lightning and sparks were still bouncing off of her when she stepped under the water. She took a cold shower to calm her body and nerves.

She couldn't sleep much that night either. Her body was exhausted after the long and anxious day but her mind couldn't rest and kept bringing up steamy memories from the hotel.

She just relived the moments again and again. She felt his hands on her throat again and she heard him whisper in her ear again. Oh, she just wanted to hear his voice again so bad.

She wondered what it would feel like to kiss him. What face was he hiding under that mask?

He was really careful with his privacy. He had every right to do so but she was still disappointed that he didn't show her his face and didn't even tell her his name. He could've said any name, she would've taken it.

"Take care." Those words were just ringing in her ears on and on. Take care was so much worse than a 'See you' because see you implies that they are going to see you again.

She wanted to meet him again. She needed to. She felt attracted to him like a magnet is to iron. It was a deep attraction that she couldn't control.

This couldn't be it. He must've enjoyed it too, right? She was starting to doubt her memories. Maybe it wasn't even that good she just only had mediocre sex before.

She knew she had to meet him again but just wasn't sure how. It wasn't appropriate for her to text him since she was just his sugar baby. She wasn't in a position to suggest to meet.

All she could do now was to wait and hope that he would contact her.


He knew he had to leave the hotel fast. He was scared of what he might do if he stayed. He expected the sex to be good but it exceeded his expectations by a thousand precent. If he didn't leave right away he probably would've done it again. And he probably wouldn't have stopped until morning came around.

If not that he probably would have stayed to talk. He still often thought about that call when she talked about her project to distract him from his dark thoughts. He could listen to her talk about anything for days.

The sight of her eyes just couldn't leave his mind. She was just so nervous and scared when she first walked into the room. He wished he could make all her worries go away and protect her from everything.

He wished he could protect her from himself. But it was too late for that. He got a high from being around her that he just couldn't forget. He needed another hit like he needed air.

He was laying in his bed but he was wide awake. All he kept thinking about was her soft skin and enchanting eyes.

He was hesitant to text her. He just didn't want to scare her off. He would've never forgave himself if he fucked this up now. But his urge was just too strong so all he could do was hope that she felt at least slightly the same way he did.


1:48 am.
Are you free Sunday night?

She was wide awake as well and her heart was beating out of her chest when she saw the text.

I am for you ;)


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