{11} Agreement

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🎵 Willow Smith - Female Energy, part 2


Maya woke up alone in the bed with a nasty hangover. Slowly she pieced together where she was and what had happened last night. She wished she could just sneak out the front door and not have to talk about what she had done but Corpse was so kind to her last night that she owed him and apology and an explanation.

She went out to the bathroom to wash her face and to somewhat brush her teeth using just her finger. It was better than nothing.

She was secretly hoping that maybe Corpse wasn't even in the apartment by now and  went off to work so she didn't have to confront him. Whatever that work was, he still hadn't told her.

But he was there sitting on the couch in a hoodie and sweatpants scrolling on his phone.

Good morning,

Hi, you too.

He turned towards Maya to greet her and to reveal his eyepatch. It wasn't intentional he had forgotten that he was wearing it, but his eyesight was so bad when he woke up that he had to put it on.

She couldn't help but giggle at the sight, it was really unusual for her, she had only ever seen an eyepatch used as costume piece.

Ahoy, matey!

Corpse quickly took it off feeling self conscious by her comment.

Sit down we have to talk.

You're right.

Corpse I am so sorry about last night.
I don't know how to make it up to you.

I was just so frustrated...
and drunk.
But I don't wanna make excuses.

I'm just really sorry.

It's okay.

I mean it.

And for what it's worth I'm really sorry too for lashing out at you over the phone, and in the car...and back here.
So the whole night basically.

And I was sober, so no excuse...
I was just an asshole.

But I have to tell you this before we talk about anything else.

So he told her about his illnesses. He was anxious to do so and that showed in him shaking his legs and playing with his jewelry. He wasn't ashamed of his conditions but telling her was still difficult because he really liked feeling 'normal' next to her and he was afraid that that would all go away.

Corpse patiently explained his symptoms and the issues that he was facing everyday while she silently nodded and listened trying to not show how extremely surprised she was to hear it.

I'm really sorry to hear that.

But why...
Why are you telling me all this?

I just thought you should know.
If we wanna...do this.

Her stomach filled with butterflies as she heard him say that, but shortly after she had to snap herself back to reality. She liked him so she wanted to do 'this' but the definition of 'this' seemed way too vague for now and he wasn't helping.

Also the fact that he just ditched her for a whole week without any explanation and now acting like nothing happened was not a good sign.

Hey, Corpse.

He felt his throat close up from anxiety and he couldn't help but to nervously fidget with his rings. He wasn't used to having these sort of conversations, especially not in person but she was there in his apartment sitting on his couch and he was extremely anxious to hear her talk about 'them'.

I really like you.
And I really want to know you more.

But I just don't get you.
You didn't talk to me for a week,
and you left me on read.
And now you want to do "this"?

She paused to look at him and get some sort of explanation out of him but he couldn't even look at her in the eyes.

Corpse knew he fucked up and he had to make it up to her somehow but he didn't have anything to say that would justify it. 

I mean I'm flattered, but...
also confused.

And you have to understand that I genuinely will be
back in Europe in like three months.

So whatever you mean by 'this',
'this' doesn't have a long lifespan.

I know.
And I'm actually glad.
I don't really do relationships anymore.

Oh and one more thing.
I think we should start on a clean slate.
Let's just forget that I ever got money from you, okay?



They shook on it. Both of their hands sweaty from the nerves of the conversation but it didn't even matter because they were just so relived that they talked this out and it went so easy.

Neither of them wanted a relationship, Maya knew that having someone to hang out with on weekends and after long classes and someone who she can rant to and who can help her destress after a long night of studying would seriously improve her life quality here in the states.

And Corpse knew that having someone around who doesn't know about his internet presence, and who can make him laugh and make him feel 'normal' would be good for his mental health.

Do you want breakfast?

Yes please.
And water.
And a painkiller.


Next chapter up on the 19th!

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