{22} Fancy soaps

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🎵 Peach Pit - Shampoo Bottles


Sykkuno left around 4 pm. Corpse really enjoyed spending time with him, they talked and laughed and planned on playing new games with new people. It really inspired him to make more content and keep on entertaining people.

He didn't talk about Maya or their situation more, he just didn't feel ready, and honestly he didn't even really know yet how to put his thoughts and emotions into words.

But Sykkuno knew not to ask too many questions, he could easily sense when someone was tense and he especially didn't want to offend Corpse since he cared so much about their friendship.

Now that Sykkuno left, Corpse's focus shifted back to Maya and that morning. She was rushing out of the apartment so fast that he wasn't even sure if she would come back at all. After thinking about it for a while he decided to text her in attempt to try to make things up to her.

I can come pick you up if you want.

No thanks.

I'll be alright.

He wasn't sure what Maya was feeling, but he expected the worse. She had the right to be mad and disappointed. But he was just so not used living with someone else, and managing his time was hard enough for him already that he just completely forgot about her, and taking her into consideration when inviting Sykkuno over.

Maya arrived around 6 pm. Corpse was in his office. She was a little relived that he was working and that she got a chance to just have a moment alone to get herself together after a long day of classes.

She was expecting to have a 'talk' about what went down that morning and she wasn't really looking forward to it. She didn't know if Corpse was going to own up to his mistake or if she would have to convince him to apologize, and to be more considerate of her next time.

Maya dropped her bag and jacket on the sofa and headed straight for the shower. It was a long and hot day and especially after taking the bus she liked to take a shower and put on clean clothes before making herself comfortable and doing anything else.

Corpse heard her come home and after a few minutes he followed her to the bathroom. He knocked gently on the door and by the time he entered, she was already in the shower, with the water running. He could only see the outlines of her body behind the frosted glass doors.

I'm sorry about this morning.

Corpse started his apology and leaned against the sink, trying not to stare too much at Maya behind the glass. She didn't seem bothered by him in the room with her, but Corpse still felt a little like he wasn't supposed to be in there.

It's okay.

I just wish you would've told me.

I felt like an idiot.

I know.
I'm sorry.

I honestly just forgot.

But it won't happen again,
I swear.

Apology accepted.

I don't want you to feel like you're in the way here.

I want you to feel at home as much as possible.

But I know I fucked up that today.

But I will try harder.

The room became more and more filled with steam and he could hear Maya opening and using all of her fancy eco-friendly German soaps.

The scent of sweet fruits and gentle coconut and vanilla filled the steamy air. Corpse was amazed to see how much his boring little bathroom and his boring little apartment changed over the days of having her over.

It was strange to think about it but  ever since Maya moved in he has been feeling  more at home than ever before.

She didn't bring many things, just a suitcase of clothes and essentials, but her presence and the little changes that she subconsciously made in the apartment made it feel more homey and warm than ever.

And you know maybe next time someone comes over you could stay if you have the time.

I bet you'd like my friends.

And that they would like you.

But next time I'll tell you before of course.

It's been over discussed.

I'm not mad at you, don't worry.

And yeah, I would love to meet your friends.

And apologize to the guy I met today.

So are you coming in or what?

That was an offer that Corpse just couldn't resist, so he excitedly took off his clothes and joined Maya in the fragrant steam filled cabin.

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