To the Rescue

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The skies were dark and cold, the usual shining sun over Equestria blocked out by gray storm clouds. Down at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack bucked with fierce determination along the West orchard of her farm. Big MacIntosh and Apple Bloom were working in the East field, which left Applejack to work by herself. She was of course okay with it, seeing as she usually preferred to handle things herself. The weather Pegasi of Equestria had a big storm planned for later, which is why she was currently out bucking right now to harvest as much as possible before it came.

Finally, after a couple hours in the field, she finished with the last tree in the orchard and gathered all the apples in her cart. She pulled the cart back to the barn to store the apples away for now, intending to sell them as soon as the storm passed. As she wiped the sweat from her brow, Big Mac came in pulling his own cart with Apple Bloom riding in tow.

"Hey big sis!" Apple Bloom waved. "Looks like we were able to get 'er done just in time, eh?"

Apple Bloom leapt from the cart and ran to nuzzle up to her sister, who nuzzled back affectionately.

"Ya got that right sugar cube," Applejack chuckled. "Any problems out in the East field Big Mac?"

"E-nope!" Big Mac responded simply.

"Good thing. Means we got the harvest in with no trouble. Or at least what we could before the storm."



The three Apple siblings looked outside where the yelling came from. They looked up only to see a certain cyan blue Pegasus mare flying toward the barn at top speed. Realizing the impending collision, Applejack's eyes widened.

"Ah reckon we better skedaddle, like now!"

The three quickly raced out the barn just as the Pegasus crashed right through the door. They slowly looked in and saw all the apples strewn everywhere. Beneath a pile of wood and mashed apples, a rainbow-maned mare emerged. Applejack groaned in irritation as she slowly walked over.

"Rainbow, wut in tarnation are y'all doin'?!" She asked loudly.

She pulled Rainbow Dash out from the pile and the Pegasus shook herself like a dog. She looked over at A.J. with wide eyes and a quivering lip, threatening to laugh as her shaking covered Applejack in apple mush.

"Oops, sorry A.J.," She apologized with a snicker.

Applejack quickly wiped the residue off her before placing her signature Stetson hat back on her head.

"It's alright Rainbow, but wut in the name of Celestia's royal hindquarters y'all doin'?"

"Well I just thought I'd come down and make sure everything was going well for you. What with the storm coming soon, I figured I'd see if you guys got your crop in. So... how's that going?"

Applejack uttered no words, only gestured with a hoof around the barn. Rainbow looked around the now very messy barn, broken wagons and a whole bunch of smashed apples all over the place.

"Oh..." She said awkwardly. "I really screwed up, didn't I?"

"Eeyup!" Big Mac said, through gritted teeth.

"Rainbow Dash smiled nervously, rubbing the back of her neck as the three Apples stared angrily at her.

"Sorry about that."

Applejack shook her head, as the three turned hoof and started walking back to the house.

"A.J., wait!" Rainbow called out.

She rushed right in front of Applejack; an apologetic look plastered all over her face.

"Look, I'm really sorry for smashing your apples," She said sincerely.

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