According to Plan

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A light wind picks up as the glassy portal arch opened for the new world. The group of Equestrians, along with their little dragon companion, stepped through to the other side. The moment their feet touch the ground, the portal closed behind them, leaving them in a new world with a mission to accomplish. They looked around their new surroundings, noticing something rather odd about this place.

They were completely surrounded by large stone buildings, its architect resembling a very Victorian style, cold and severe. Its streets are entirely cobblestone and its landscape was so... gray. Much like their first arrival in Kansas long ago, there was hardly any color minus a deep gray. All the hues here were muted and grim. It honestly sucked all the good feeling out of the atmosphere, replacing it with a feeling of gloom and despair.

"Wow!" Rainbow remarked. "This is officially one of the most depressing places I've ever seen. Even the townspeople look like zombies!"

"What ya talkin' about sugar cube?" Applejack asked.

"Take a look!"

Rainbow gestured with one hoof down the cobblestone street, all the others having a glance at all the people crossing the streets. Much like this town, they were all gray, depressive looking, and above all stiff. Many of them slugged by their days in dreary fashion, nodding very formally, and without warmth when they pass each other. A church bell chimes the first of four strokes. One townsperson, the town crier, strides into the squares and rings his big hand ell.

"FOUR O'CLOCK AND ALL'S WELL!!!" He shouted.

As the group studied the area, its shops making up the whole town, none of the other townspeople looked any better:

The grocer arranging fastidious little piles of withered onions; the watchmaker checking and re-checking the large clock hanging in front of his shop, resetting the second hand as it ticked in a monotone fashion; the baker wearily adding another plain brown loaf to the pyramid standing in his window; two completely lifeless men chopping fish, their arms rising and falling mechanically; and a seamstress sitting among bundles of cloth, all shades of gray. Trixie gasped as she looked upon all the gloomy people.

"Such a dreary looking bunch," She observed. "Perhaps a little show by the Great and Powerful TRRRRRRRRIXIE will lighten their moods."

Trixie pulled of her hat, reaching in to pull out a gigantic anchor with her glowing horn. She proceeded to hurl it backward, a loud crash erupted upon landing. This caused every pony, Spike especially, to glare angrily toward her.

"Trixie! What are you doing?!" Twilight hissed. "We can't draw too much attention to ourselves!"

"But that's the whole point of Trixie's presence. To make everyone gaze at her in adoration!"

"Yeah well if you keep it up, I'll do a little trick of my own," Rainbow threatened. "One where I make [i]you[/i] disappear!"

Trixie immediately placed her hat back on her head, a fearful smile formed as she nodded her head. Meanwhile... Maud just stood there.

"Personally, I think this is one of the more interesting adventures I've witnessed since the discovery of the television," She said lazily.

This caused every pony, minus Pinkie Pie, to glance at Maud in confusion.

"Seriously Darling?" Rarity asked in awe. "More interesting than a magical castle filled with witches, wizards, and all manner of magical creatures?"

To which Maud simply nodded.

"Or a demon witch that nearly killed us all?" Spike asked.

"A talking sponge and starfish among other sea creatures?" Fluttershy added.

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