Change of Plans

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Back in the living world, things were getting far more out of hand than they originally had been. After Victoria witnessed the Equestrians and Victor in her room, when a living corpse bride appeared claiming she and Victor were married, needless to say it was a lot to process. Before she could make sense of any of it, however, they all disappeared out the window in the blink of an eye.

Victoria couldn't make sense of any of this madness, as she paces the room, wide-eyed and disheveled. Currently, she tried explaining the entire situation to her mother. While Hildegarde tried desperately to calm her, Maudeline watched her with unamused disdain.

"It's true mother!" Victoria exclaimed seriously. "Victor's married to a dead woman! I saw her! A corpse! Standing right here, with Victor!"

"Victor was in your room?!" Mrs. Everglot gasped horrified.

"Miss Victoria, dear, let Hilde fix you a nice cuppa tea," Hildegarde offered. "Come sit in your chair..."

"I can't sit!" Victoria insisted. "I have to help him! He came here to ask for my help!"

"The scandal!"

Hildegarde approached Victoria, grabbing her by the hand as she led her over to a chair in the center of the room.

"Come sit under your chair, dearies," She said worriedly. "You're shaking like a leaf. Let Hilde fetch you a blanket."

"Fetch her a straightjacket!" Mrs. Everglot said loudly. "She's completely mad! Come Hildegarde."

Hildegarde hesitantly left Victoria in the chair, as she followed her boss's orders. As the two walked from the room, closing the door, Mrs. Everglot pulled out a key from her dress pocket and locked the door in an instant. Hearing the click at the door, Victoria looked horrified that her own mother locked her in her own room. She backed her way towards the window before turning to look out toward the cold rainy night. She felt so helpless, unable to do anything to help either Victor or the ponies at this point.

"A corpse in a wedding gown, with my ring on her finger," She spoke to herself. "This is awful... so truly awful. And those poor ponies... they asked me to help, but what can 'I' do? If only there was a someone in town who'd know—"

Just then, a thought came to her head. Perhaps there 'is' someone who'd know how to deal with this matter, but first she needed to escape her room somehow. She turned toward the sheets covering her bed, as a look of determination formed on her face. She knew then what she had to do: She must help Victor and their pony friends.

Grabbing the bed sheets, she tied them together and opened the window to the balcony. Approaching the edge, she hurled the blanket rope down toward the ground below. As the rain pelted her hard, she descended towards the ground. It was tricky seeing how the rain made her grip slippery. Just as she was about to reach the ground, one of the blankets ripped at the seam. Victoria gasped in fear as she dangled above the foyer window, where her father stood looking at his pocket watch.

"Finis, come to bed at once!" Mrs. Everglot demanded.

The blanket ripped further, leaving Victoria deathly afraid she'd be seen. Thankfully, Mr. Everglot turned away from the window just as the blanket finally ripped and Victoria landed on the ground with the blanket falling around her. Fastening the blanket around herself, wrapped like a hood as shelter from the rain, Victoria set forth toward the outskirts of the village square. Only one person could potentially help her now; she only hoped he would believe her.


Crossing the old bridge outside town, Victoria made her way to the church just outside the forest. When she approached the giant oak doors, she grabbed one of the giant iron knockers and knocked loudly. Inside the church, Pastor Galswells, his towering Pope-hat, now flopped forward like a night cap, and dressed in a night dress, made his way slowly to the door.

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