Elder Gutkneckt

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Along with the entire Equestrian group, among them the recently reunited Apple family, Twilight Sparkle led the group through the back door of the tavern. Soon they were out along the streets, walking through the place known as the 'Land of the Dead'. Aside from Bright Back, Pear Butter, and Maud, everyone was a little shocked, if not somewhat scared of their surroundings.

Dead folk everywhere, walking along the streets just going about their daily undead lives. One guy was flat as a board from being crushed, a woman crawled along the streets dragging her dismembered lower half behind her, and a couple of zombies were almost completely skeletonized. Needless to say, everyone was practically uncomfortable in this dreary place.

"I-I-I think I m-much p-p-preferred it b-back in the t-tavern," Fluttershy shook fearfully.

"I must agree with you darling," Rarity nodded. "No matter how much we try, I don't think we'll ever get used to wandering about with the dead."

"Don't worry girls, everything's going to be alright," Twilight assured. "Right Spike?"

The little dragon in question peeked his eyes from behind Twilight's mane, quivering in fear.

"Y-Y-Yeah!" He chuckled nervously. "Nothing to worry about here."

Trixie, trembling as she walked, turned toward Maud, who's as stone-faced and emotionless as ever.

"Trixie cannot understand how you are so calm about all of this," Trixie spoke to her.

"You may not see it, but I'm frightened on the inside," Maud said plainly.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash quickly flew besides Applejack and her parents. As they walked, Rainbow gave a light nudge to Applejack's side.

"Hey A.J., can we talk for a moment?" She whispered.

"Not right now Dash," Applejack whispered back. "The sooner we find Victor and Emily, the sooner we get the hay outta this here place."

"I know, I know! But just before we came here, we were talking about something very important--"

"It's gonna have tah wait a little longer, sugar cube. Ah ain't too keen on spending a lot of time around dead folks."

Rainbow Dash sighed to herself, shaking her head.

"Forget it..." Rainbow brushed off.

She made to fly back to the rest of the group. But before she could, a single hoof reached out and onto her back. As she turned back, Rainbow saw Applejack's face, seeing the look of regret upon the country pony.

"Look Dash, ah'm mighty sorry about what ah said back at the tavern," She apologized. "Ah was just taken back by the information and seein' mah parents again. Ah was happy, sad, and angry all at the same time. I shouldn't have taken it out on ya like that."

Rainbow actually cracked a tiny smile, as she placed her hoof around Applejack.

"It's cool A.J.," She assured. "Tell you the truth, if I were in your hooves, I'd probably done the exact same thing."

"So no hard feelings?"

"Nah, I'm over it."

The two continued walking side by side with Bright Mac and Pear Butter, as they all made their way to the center of town. Once there, they all took a moment to look around and assess where they were.

"Any pony have any idea where they could be?" Twilight asked.

"Not a clue," Rainbow replied.

"This place is so gal darn huge, ah couldn't even begin to guess," Applejack agreed.

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