One Last Day

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Panic... dread... immense sorrow... such negative emotions permeating through the atmosphere, as the group of ponies (Spike, Victor, Victoria, and Emily included) stood over a fallen Applejack. The poor country pony groaned in pain, clutching the still bleeding slash across her chest from Barkis's blade. Her head currently sat on Rainbow Dash's lap, as the cyan Pegasus cradled her carefully while gazing upon her with great worry.

"A.J., why would you do that?!" Rainbow panicked.

Though finding it difficult to move, much less talk, Applejack looked toward Rainbow and managed a slight smile.

"Well... ah couldn't let 'im do ya in, can I Rainbow?" She answered weakly.

"Look at you!" Rainbow gestured the wound. "You're losing a ton of blood."

Rainbow Dash quickly looked around, desperate for something to help.

"Does any pony have any green leaves?!"

The ponies and Spike looked at each other in confusion.

"Please!" Rainbow begged. "Green leaves... with little red specks on 'em. They're supposed to heal ponies."

"You mean... like this?"

Rainbow turned toward Pinkie Pie, who pulled out a single branch with the very leaves Rainbow described. Not bothering to ask questions, Rainbow took the branch from Pinkie's hoof. She carefully removed the leaves from the branch and carefully ushered Applejack's hooves aside to position the leaves. Gently, Rainbow placed as many leaves along the wound as possible, Applejack grunting and groaning as they tried to press the leaves.

After a few seconds, Rainbow looked down toward the wound... but it still bled. Stressed beyond words, Rainbow pressed the leaves again... and again... but the results remained the same.

"It's not working!!!" Rainbow shouted.

Fluttershy held a wing over her hoof, fighting the urge to cry as she tearfully gazed at her fallen friend. Rarity turned toward Twilight, a look of desperation upon her face.

"Twilight... can't you cast a healing spell to fix her?"

"I'm not sure Rarity," Twilight answered honestly. "Even for most advanced magic users, healing spells are very complex. No pony has ever been able to successfully make it work."

"We have to at least try," Fluttershy whimpered. "We just can't let poor Applejack die."

"Come on Twi," Spike encouraged. "If any pony can do it, it'd be you."

Rainbow looked toward Twilight, her tearful eyes silently pleading for her to try. Taking a deep breath, Twilight nodded and fired up her horn, which sputtered and surged with magical energy. Focusing her power on healing Applejack, Twilight aimed her horn as a magical glow formed around Applejack's wound. But after a moment, Applejack cried out in pain and the wound only worsened. Twilight quickly dimmed her horn.

"It's no use!" Twilight shook her head. "My magic isn't strong enough; I keep going, it's going to make whatever time she has left less and less."

Everyone in the church looked down toward Applejack, tears forming in all their eyes. Applejack grew paler every moment, her breathing shortening. Bright Mac and Pear Butter came to their daughters side, in the saddest shape they've ever been in their lives. Applejack's mother clutched her daughter's hoof with her own spiritual grip.

"My little Apple Pie..." Pear Butter croaked. "We're sorry this happened to you..."

Applejack slowly turned her head toward her parents, smiling just a tad.

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