Remains of the Day

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The entire group laid flat out on the ground as they all groaned in pain. They were all incredibly sore from what they could not possibly understand. The last thing that any of them could possibly recollect was standing on the bridge outside of town with Victor when they noticed the undead bride approaching him. After that, everything was a complete haze to them. Twilights ryes slowly started to flutter open as a blinding light started to shine in.

"She seems to be waking up" a voice said.

"Are they alright?" Another asked.

"Well let's let them regain themselves before we go asking"

Slowly but surely, Twilights vision started coming back to her enough to where she could see outlines of what appeared to be people. On of them was standing right next to her and appeared to be dabbing her head with a rag and water.

"Can you hear me?" The figure asked. "Are you alright?"

Twilight groaned a little before finally being able to respond.

"Yeah, I think so" she moaned. "Ugh! I just had the strangest dream."

"Whatever about?"

"I'm not sure, it's kinda unclear. All I remember is me and my friends being on a bridge with our friend Victor and then next thing we knew, there was a..."

Twilights words got caught up in her throat as her vision now began to fully recover and she took notice of the had that was dabbing the watered rag on her. The hand itself had absolutely no skin on it whatsoever...only bones. Twilight slowly looked away from the bone hand to see none other than the very same undead bride that she had seen before.

"Oh I'm so glad that you're alright" she said.


Twilight scream echoed throughout the area that she found herself in. As her eyes quickly darted back and forth around, she noticed that she looked to be in some sort of bar or a saloon of some kind. What terrified her most was the patrons of said establishment. Many of which were blue colored undead zombies or skeletons. There was a very short skeleton dressed in a Napoleon uniform with a sword thrust through his middle. There was another skeleton in old style crusade armor with a huge cannon ball sized hole right through his chest. Many of them looked at her in curiosity as she began to back herself away from them all.

"Stay away from me!" She yelled.

As she continued to scoot back, she suddenly bumped into something. She turned around to see what it was and saw the rest of her friends lying on the ground, still completely passed out. Due to the severity of the situation, Twilight tried to shake them all awake as quick as possible.

"Guys! Guys, wake up! We have a problem here!"

"Five more minutes" Rainbow groaned sleepily.

The cyan Pegasus yawned loudly as she rolled over and grasped the nearest body she could to snuggle with. The pony in question turned out to be Applejack who snuggled Rainbow just as much. Twilight glared at her tomboyish firmed before quickly reaching out and pulling one of Rainbows eyes open. The magenta pupil inside looked around at the undead patrons and Rainbow immediately shot up and screamed. Her scream seemed to startle everyone else in the pile because they all sat up and rubbed their tired eyes.

"Wut in tarnation are ya hollerin' bout Rainbow?" Applejack asked groggy.

"Honestly darling, have you no concept of beauty sleep?" Rarity groaned.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie cannot perform if she does not have her sleep" Trixie yawned.

"I think this way more important than catching a few more minutes of sleep" Twilight said in fear.

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