Wedding Rehearsal

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A pair of light purple eyes steadily fluttered open as they slowly spun from disorientation. Trixie's vision spun, her gaze blurry, following all the running she had done. True she spent her time pulling a wagon from town to town, but it had been so long since she 'actually' ran so fast and so quickly too. Above her the rest of the Equestrians and Spike stood over her, Twilight waving her hoof over Trixie's face.

"Are you alright Trixie?" She asked concerned.

"Can you hear us darling?" Rarity added.

"Is she even alive?" Spike asked the group.

"Hey!" Rainbow yelled. "Instead of playing twenty questions, get her some water already!"

Twilight nodded and quickly used her magic to conjure a glass of water, which she gently leaned down so the liquid could trickle down Trixie's throat. As Trixie drank, slowly but surely, her senses returned one by one. Soon as she was finished, she sat up quickly with a gasp and breathed heavily.

"Thank goodness!" Fluttershy sighed in relief. "We were worried you might not wake up."

"Ah don't know 'bout that Fluttershy," Applejack disagreed. "Might be takin' it a bit too far."

"Either way, we're just glad you're feeling better," Twilight said. "You are better, are you?"

Trixie took a few more breaths, recomposing herself as she looked at all the others around her.

"Trixie hasn't run like that in such a long time," She said breathless. "I had no idea how out of shape I've truly become."

"Maybe you could do a trick to make that extra weight disappear," Rainbow joked.

She laughed at her own humor, but quickly stopped soon as she noticed every pony and Spike, minus Maud, glaring at her.

"I'll be quiet..."

Twilight turned toward the steps to the Everglot mansion, noting Victor and his parents entering. Quick as a whip, she conjured her magic to turn herself and her friends invisible once more, silently gesturing them to follow. They quickly make their way through the door as the Everglot's butler, regarding the Van Dorts with barely concealed disdain, closed the door behind the guests.

Once inside, the girls all got a good look around the mansion's interior. Much like the rest of London, it was dark and gloomy, overall 'very' depressing. Many portraits lined the walls, many of which were Mr. Everglot's ancestors, a majority of which resemble the toad-faced man. A grand piano stood off the corner of the foyer, near the grand staircase which Mr. and Mrs. Everglot stood at the bottom of.

"I rather enjoy the fine décor of this fine establishment," Rarity commented quietly. "But I do believe a bit of color would really living things up."

"Yer not kiddin'," Applejack nodded. "This place is 'bout as lively as a tomb."

"Actually, tombs might just be a little livelier," Rainbow corrected.

"It r-r-really just g-gives me c-chills," Fluttershy shook fearfully.

Pinkie Pie bounced merrily over her frightened friend, placing a comforting hoof around her.

"Aww it's alright Fluttershy," She assured. "There's nothing scary about this place. I mean aside from the darkness... and the creepy echo of footsteps... and that freak shadow racing across the walls every now and then..."

Fluttershy squeaked and hid herself deep within her mane, trembling harder than before. Pinkie noticed this quickly, realizing the mistake she made... again.

"Oopsie, sorry about that," She apologized. "Didn't mean to startle you Flutters! Just remember the song I taught you all that time ago..."

Suddenly, some upbeat music began to play in the background and Pinkie starts getting in the groove

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