Into the Forest

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Following the fiasco at the wedding rehearsal, Twilight and the others made a mad dash from the Everglot manor in search of Victor. The entire scene that happened just recently certainly wasn't one that would help Victor work through his nerves any sooner. He had already made a complete fool of himself in front of his parents, the Everglots, and even Victoria. Not to mention he set his future mother-in-law on fire, certainly it couldn't get any worse. But even if it could, no doubt Victor could find a way.

But this wasn't entirely on Twilight's mind, or any of her friends, at this very moment. However, they rushed throughout the entire town trying to find one poor boy... only to come up empty.

"Victor!" Twilight called out. "Victor!"

"Where are ya sugar cube?!" Applejack yelled.

At some point during the search, the group split into two separate parties trying to find Victor quickly. Twilight lead a team consisting of herself, Spike, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy. Meanwhile, Rainbow lead a team consisting of herself, Trixie, Pinkie Pie, and Maud.

"Oh, I hope he's alright," Rarity said worriedly. "I can only imagine the shame and humiliation the poor boy must be feeling after all that."

"Ah know," Applejack nodded. "Not exactly like anyone tried to make him feel better. You'd think his parents would at least 'try' tah be supportive, but all they did was sit and glare at 'im."

"To be fair, he did set Mrs. Everglot on fire," Spike pointed out.

"That was just an accident Spike," Twilight responded. "If it were intentional, I'd understand everyone being upset as they were. But he was just nervous, he didn't know what he was doing."

"I just hope we can find him," Fluttershy added.

Just then, Rainbow and her team came running down from another street before screeching to a halt before the others.

"Any luck girls?" Twilight asked.

"No sign of him anywhere," Rainbow answered. "I've flown over this whole stinking town and I can't seem to find him."

"Did you check his house?"

"Nooooooo," Rainbow groaned sarcastically. "I'd never even bothered to think of that!"

"Trixie searched his entire room and everywhere else in the house," Trixie replied kindly. "But he's simply not there."

Twilight groaned in frustration. Clearly, this wasn't a very large town, something they picked up when they first arrived in this world. But why was it so hard to find one nervous groom?

"Would it help if I said I saw Victor running toward the bridge in the outskirts of town?" Maud asked emotionlessly.

This caused every pony, except Pinkie, to slowly turn and face the emotionless rock pony.

"And this is just coming up now because?!" Twilight asked irritated.

Maud just blinked slowly before responding.

"I assumed you knew," She replied simply.

"Well clearly we didn't!" Rainbow responded annoyed. "We've literally run and flew all over town trying to find him and you knew where he was all along? You realize it's already getting dark?"

"That's classic Maud for you," Pinkie giggled, bouncing away.

True to Rainbow's word, the night sky, already gloomy and grey, grew darker and darker by the minute. Soon enough, night would be upon them.

"C'mon every pony, let's go and find Victor," Twilight told them, before facing Maud. "And Maud, in the future, please just tell us if you see something."

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