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Late that same evening, things were only getting much worse for young Victoria. She sat in her chair by her vanity while Hildegarde helped her finish getting ready. Victoria was dressed in a beautiful wedding gown with her hair all done up in a tight bun which also held the wedding veil securely in place. One would think this was meant to be the happiest, most jubilant day of her young life.

Yet the poor girl felt a terrible feeling of dread and despair. Her one true love gone, possibly forever, and she had been betrothed by her parents to some newcomer earlier that same night. All she could think about was Victor, as she looked into the mirror and Hildegarde finished up.

"Miss Victoria, we must leave for the church now..." Hildegard informed her gently.

The old maid looked at Victoria and could see the obvious pain and sadness in her eyes. She truly felt bad for her, wishing there were some way she could help. But she knew that was impossible at this point. Yet when she looks up, it's obvious she's been crying.

"Yesterday, I thought my wedding would be happy," Victoria said sadly. "Now I feel like I'm caught in the tide, pulled out to sea."

A single tear fell below her porcelain cheek, as she stood from the chair. Hildegarde took her face in her hands, brushing away the tear with an offer of reassurance.

"The sea leads to many places dearie," She said. "Maybe you'll find somewhere better."

With that, the old maid regretfully lead the young bride from the room toward her fate. They proceeded to leave the mansion and climbed into one of the carriages outside. The carriage took them to the church outside town. Not a single star shined nor even the moon. It is a somber, ponderously bleak night accentuated by the sound of lugubrious organ music.

As the wedding progressed, Victoria stood dully at the altar, wearing her austere ivory wedding gown. Like a girl completely dead to the entire world around her, she paid no mind to anyone in the room looking at her or Pastor Galswells, who officiates the ceremony. Not even the portrait of the Duke, which has been brought to the church and placed in a seat of honor, as if to bear witness to the ceremony.

Her husband to be, Lord Barkis, stood at her side with a smug smirk on his face as he went through his vows. Much like Finnis Everglot, he wore a rather formal wedding suit with a matching towering top hat.

"With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine."

He slipped an ornate ring onto Victoria's finger and when he let go, Victoria let her hand fall limp to her side as she stood with wide eyes. The silent crowd sat, stiff and starched in their grey suits and dresses. Among them, Hildegarde sat amongst the crowd, feeling sorry for the young Everglot. Pastor Galswells nodded toward Victoria, gesturing it is her cue to move on.

Realizing er fate had now been sealed, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes in sorrow before taking the candle from the table.

"Wit this hand I will lift your sorrows..." Victoria whimpered. "Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine."

She slid a gold ring onto Barkis' chubby finger. He offered a saccharine smile, as much for the crowd as anyone.

"I now pronounce you, man and wife," Pastor Galswells announced.

The entire room remained silent as the grave, all but Hildegarde who sat in the back of the church sobbing. However, her tears were not of happiness for Victoria, but pity. She felt so terrible for the poor girl, yet there was nothing she could do for her. Her only hope was that something would come along to help the girl out of this predicament.

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