Chapter 27: Fire Nation

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Changing our pace

Tasha's POV

We walked towards the common rooms of the ship, where we thought Aang was in. Not long ago, the team and I fought against a sea serpent which was terrorizing our ship, and I had found out that I was the Avatar's guardian. Right now, we were all going to visit the Avatar, who had just awoken from his deep coma.

However, when we had reached Aang's room, we found the door open ajar. Shocked, Katara let out a squeal of surprise and walked quickly into the room.

"Aang? I brought you some food..." Katara called, entering the room. There was no response as the 3 of us followed after Katara.

Just as we have thought of the worst - Aang was nowhere to be found.

"Oh no..." Katara gasped, dropping the plate of food she was carrying.


It turns out that Aang had indeed run away, thinking that he had failed as the Avatar. It was unknown to me that previously, Katara spoke to Aang and had told him everything about our current situation. And Aang, being the sensitive guy he is, ran away from us thinking he did not do his job well as he Avatar, and that he only had to rely on himself to perform his duties as the Avatar. However, unbeknownst to him, he hasn't realised that he has a team to back him up, the 4 of us... And of course, as the Avatar's guardian, the duty given by the Great Spirit to me.

We found Aang washed ashore on a volcanic island not far away, his trusty glider torn and tattered beside him.

"You're okay!" Katara ran towards Aang, who was slowly regaining consciousness.

We gathered together and enveloped in a tight group hug with Aang. After a moment, Aang breaks away and takes a glance at me. He jumps in shock, surely just realising that I was now part of the team.


"Hey, Aang." I smiled. "It's good to see you again."

"Yea," he nodded and smiled back, before looking at the rest of the team. "I... I have so much to do."

"I know, but you'll have our help." Katara smiled reassuringly, squeezing his shoulder.

"You didn't think you could get out of training just by coming to the Fire Nation, did you?" Toph remarked jokingly. The rest of us laughed slightly at her witty remark.

"Then, what about the invasion?" Aang asked.

"We'll join up with my dad and the invasion force on the day of the eclipse," Sokka replied.

That's right. They were planning an invasion during the day of black sun, where all fire benders lose their bending due to the absence of energy from the Sun. Chief Hakoda told us to venture off into the Fire Nation as a team first, before meeting up again for the invasion.

"Hey, what's..."

Toph picked up Aang's broken glider from the floor.

"It's your glider..." She said remorsefully, handing the glider back to it's owner.

"That's okay. If someone saw it, it would give away my identity. It's better for now that no one knows I'm alive." Aang looked strong as he said it, even though I knew he was faking his emotions. He then jumped up and walked towards the flowing lava pool up a hill, and stuck the glider into the ground. His broken glider then lit up in flames, slowly being consumed by it's fiery fate.

"I'm glad you've become so strong, Aang." I said, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Thanks," he touched my hand reassuringly. "And I'm glad you chose to join us instead. I always knew you were good."

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