Chapter 24: On Our Seperate Ways

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Tying up loose ends; finally going home

Tasha's POV

Silence passed between us. 

It was definitely a strange feeling sitting here on Appa, with Sokka, Toph and Katara around. They were staring accusingly at me, suspicions filling their gazes.

When we escaped from Ba Sing Se, Katara managed to save Aang using some kind of spirit water from the Spirit Oasis, but that got Aang in a deep coma. We were on our way to find Chief Hakoda, who was Sokka and Katara's dad. Sokka instructed that what's most important now is to plan out the invasion and get ready for the day of black sun, and keep a low profile.

With Aang still in a coma, it was difficult to get these guys to even have a friendly conversation with me.


I awkwardly scratched the back of my head. 

"I know we aren't on very good terms, but I hope you guys can forgive me for what I've done."

The three in front of me remained silent, and only Momo's constant chattering was breaking the silence.

"And, Katara?" I glanced up to Katara.

"What?" Katara tried to sound annoyed, but I could tell she was trying to feel sorry for me.

"Thank you." I started, giving her a small smile.

She stayed silent.

"Thanks, for not leaving me behind. I know I did some things in the past that I truly regret, and it may have hurt or scarred you. I wouldn't know. But please know that all of these are in the past. I have changed, and I want to fight beside you guys to put an end to this war. Please forgive me, and for everything that I did wrong."

I hung my head in sincere apology, hoping that they would at least talk to me.

"Tasha." Katara called to me in a soft voice, and I glanced up to her.

"I can forgive you. It's not like you did anything as horrible as Azula."

"What?" Sokka glared at his sister. "But she's been with that Zuko guy trying to chase us all around the world, and you forgive her just like that? I mean, what if she's a fire nation spy?"

Katara frowned in response, slightly annoyed at Sokka's outburst.

"Sokka, stop. You have to understand something." Katara said sternly, turning back to look at me. "You should've seen what she did back at Ba Sing Se. She saved me and Aang from being captured. She could've died there, from saving us!"

My eyes widened in surprise. I was stunned to see Katara actually standing up for me for once. Sokka gave a loud sigh and folded his arms in defeat.

"And I don't want to mention this too, but she went against Zuko. I saw it with my own eyes. He was telling her to join him back at the Fire Nation, but-" Katara stopped mid sentence and looked over to me, concerned. I shook my head in response, gesturing her to continue.

Honestly, it hurt to ever think about what happened between Zuko and I back at Ba Sing Se. I still loved him deep inside, but I couldn't continue a relationship with someone who loved his honor more than me; someone who was more of a betrayer than he could ever be.

"She slapped him. Right across the cheek. She said Aang trusted her more than anybody else, and she couldn't betray Aang's trust." 

Katara looked across at Aang, who was still lying asleep in coma.

A moment of silence passed. I refused to look up at any one of them; I still felt guilty about what I had done before.

"I forgive you." The blind girl was the first to break the silence.

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