Chapter 26: Change

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Change occurs only when you step out of your comfort zone.

Tasha's POV

It felt as if a huge load was lifted off from my shoulders. I suddenly felt free, like I was a prisoner that escaped from jail. A bird set free from it's cage.

I found out my destiny. 

I was granted with these special gifts for a reason. The Avatar's guardian. The chosen one who would guide him on his journey as he sets off to bring balance to this world. Who knew I would be of such significance in this world?

I was transported back to the real world from the spirit world. When I returned, I found myself sitting in an upright position, staring at the mirror in front of me. 

My long, unkempt hair was falling all over my face, it's dryness being more noticeable in the light of the setting sun. Split ends hung loosely from every strand of my hair, and it was then that I realised that it had been too long since I've maintained my hair.

I've spent the past half a year being together with Zuko, on an adventure. Right now, it's going to be different: No more searching for the Avatar. Instead, I have been given a duty to uphold.

It's time for a change.

As if calling out to me, I stretched out to grab the knife that was in front of me subconsciously, and stared blankly at my own reflection in the mirror.

I grabbed a fistful of hair and slit it, not caring how much of hair I cut. Then, I let the freshly cut strands of hair fall down to my bed, and lighted up the huge mass of hair that was now crushed in my hands up in flames.

Glancing back up to the mirror, I saw that I had shoulder length hair, layering itself naturally. It felt as if a huge load was lifted off my shoulders. I felt good, refreshed and changed.

Change felt good.

"TASHA AYUZAWA!" A voice yelled from outside of my room, causing me to jump up in response.

Remaining silent, I walked up towards my room door and opened it slowly.

"Sokka," I rolled my eyes, realising that it was the young water tribe warrior interrupting my short reflective session. "What's up?"

Sokka stole a quick glance at my hair, looking decently shocked.

"Why did you-"

"Is it that bad on me?" I touched the ends of my hair, feeling the freshly cut strands.

"Uh... Yes, I mean- no! Argh! Nevermind!" Sokka slapped his forehead.

I laughed at his comedic reaction. "So... What's up?"

"Oh... Uh yeah! Aang's awake," Sokka continued, looking flustered. "Come on let's go!"

Without waiting for a response, Sokka grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him.

"Sokka, calm down!" I twisted his grip away from me. "I can walk by myself."

"Well sure," Sokka stubbornly rolled his eyes, stopping in his tracks. "The avatar's awake after his 3 week long coma, and here you are acting like you don't care."

I snickered slightly at his sarcastic comment. "I do care, Sokka. I just know how to stay calm."

"Wh-Whatever," Sokka huffed, walking away. "Let's go then."

"Sure," I smiled and followed after him. This was the perfect time to explain things to Aang. I knew he was troubled by the fact that I could bend more than one element like him, but I wasn't magically inclined or anything special in this world. But now I knew. I knew how things are meant to be for me. And I had to explain them to the Avatar himself.

Before we reached Aang's room, the ship rocked violently, causing us to lose our balance. Sokka fell on his back, and I fell on top of him. I heard screams and shouts from the deck, and I quickly jumped up to my feet.

After helping Sokka to his feet, we both rushed to the deck. Right now, the ship was rocking very violently, and I was thanking the spirits that I cut my hair, for the short bob cut that I had right now made me more agile and I could run faster.

"What's going on?!" Sokka yelled as he ran out to the deck.

"Sokka! It's attacking our ship!" Hakoda yelled from the end of the deck, pointing to a HUGE sea monster. At my peripheral line of sight, I spotted Katara water bending a huge wave of water, to attack a neighbouring fire nation ship. Toph was metal bending a few pieces of metal and shooting them towards the sea monster as well as the fire nation ship.

Whoa, there were too many things happening at once.

I sprinted towards Katara, and aided her in pushing the fire nation ship away and adverting their attacks away from our ship. I raised two huge streams of water up, and twirled my arms round and round. I pushed my attack towards an incoming fire ball from the attacking ship, causing it to deflect towards the sea monster. The huge monster groaned in pain after the attack, and I could tell that it was furious by the attack from the fire nation ship.

I watched hopefully as the monster swam towards the fire nation ship, and started to attack it instead. Those fire nation scrubs finally stopped pursuing their attacks on us. Phew.

"That was close," I exclaimed, wiping off my sweat.

"Yeah," Katara commented, glancing towards me. "Hey..."

"Yeah?" I looked up.

"Your hair," Katara smiled. "It's beautiful."

"Th-thanks." I smiled. Katara has been much friendlier to me recently, and that made me feel more at ease being with the group.

"Good job guys," Sokka cried out, walking towards us.

"Yeah, like you ever did anything," Toph snickered and gave Sokka a hard punch.

"Hey!" Sokka retorted, his hand on his hips. "I did many things!"

"Yeah? Like what, screaming your lungs out like a girl?" Toph stuck her tongue out.

In response, Katara and I burst out in laughter at Toph's witty remarks. I never felt this happy before in awhile. 

"Pfft," Sokka rolled his eyes. "Let's go check on Aang now."

"Let's go then," I smiled to myself unknowingly. "We have a lot to catch up on."

"Yeah," Katara nodded. "We do."

And with that, the 4 of us proceeded into the ship to check up on the Avatar.

Hopefully, Aang will understand me. Having to acknowledge me as the Avatar's guardian is going to be difficult. I know I did many bad things in the past, and it's going to be hard for them to accept it.

But I will try.

And I will make a difference - as the Avatar's guardian.

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