Chapter 8

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I stared at the person who had said my name. It was Jericho. I don't know what it was but something in her voice made me panic slightly at what I was doing. I knew I must be a bit crazy.

I just looked at Jeri, with sad, frustrated look on my face. I could tell she knew something was wrong with me but she didn't dare say anything else.

I looked at her for a second more before I turned away. I couldn't let anyone's opinion get to me. I couldn't show the Chavs how scared I was of them.

People had been running over me for so long. It needed it to stop.

"W h y A re Y ou Th er e?"

I turned back round to the Chav table. I leaned back when I turned around as Ali was right next to my face and was spelling out each syllable.

She was so close to me I thought I could smell a faint smell of alcohol on here breath.

"Have you been drinking?"

"OMG What the fuckk is it to you? We haven't done anything yeah so just get offff our table becauseee you are so pathetic sitting on our tablee!"

"So your not drunk then?"

I could tell she was slurring her words now and I was willing to bet anything that the rest of them had been drinking as well.

I wasn't willing to go so far as to start a fight so I got up and left.

They all started cheering so I softly said,

"It's not over I left of my own accord not yours, you can't scare me that easily."

I didn't wait to hear a response and just walked out of our year base. As I walked round the corner I walked into Miss Smith.

"Sorry miss."

I hastily walked off because us 'EMO's are suppose to hate her but she is our assistant head of our year so we have to be polite.

Mollie came up with the idea of calling her IT so hardly anyone would have any idea who we were talking about and it wouldn't be very obvious.

Although sometimes it could be very confusing because we would be talking about IT - the person, IT - the subject or IT - the thing. We would always end up in stitches because someone would always get them muddled up and come out with something really random.

I decided to head over to the library. Although since it was moved it is meant to be called "The Reading Center" but we either call it "Reading central" or "The Library" either way we had all stuck together since it had been moved.

As I stepped outside I saw Jack and Mollie lighting up a cigarette. I didn't say anything I just carried on walking.

One day I could see them getting caught and soon as their parents didn't know I could only see trouble for them and they don't deserve that.

As I was crossing the H block quad I saw most of the goths and the library people gathered round one of the benches. I decided to walk over to them.

"Hi guys, why aren't you in the library?"

"It's closed."

Evie, one of the youngest of the goths had spoken up and as I studied everyone's faces they all looked somewhat annoyed.

Suddenly a wave of freezing cold air hit us and I felt myself begin to shiver.

"It's slightly chilly out here isn't there somewhere else inside we could go?"

I prayed that someone would think of a place that we hadn't thought of that was inside , but I knew that the school would rather we froze to death than be inside in the warm. So when Zoe replied with a no, I wasn't really surprised.

The bell rang and I walked off to my Geography lesson.

I just sat there and didn't really feel like doing anything but it turned out we were watching a DVD so it was fine. Until the end of the day.

I had promised mum that I would go to hockey, but I really couldn't be bothered as it was a Friday.

So I texted her

Izzy: going round Bethan's 4 sleepover cya 2morrow.

Mum: What about hockey? And okay don't stay up all night x

I didn't bother replying. I just ran off home to get some stuff before she got back and went off round Bethan's.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2012 ⏰

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