Chapter 5

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I had chemistry so I walked quickly round the school so I wouldn't be late, as I often was with chemistry because it is round the other side of the school.

I sat down at the front next to my friend Megan. We had been friends

Since primary school and had only just started having some lessons together but through out the first few years of secondary school we remains friends.

Behind us was Tom, sat on his own but he had us to taunt in front of him and Joseph and Will at the desk next to him, so he was happy.

We were ten minutes into the lesson of Mr State talking to us when, the Chavs walked in giggling and shoving each other.

They hastily said they were "soz" for being late and walked towards their seats at the back, only two rows behind me.

"After that interruption, we will be testing the strength of the concrete that you made last lesson class. Tie string on the concrete and hang the weights off the string. Any questions? No? Okay get on with it."

Me and Megan had a right laugh because the concrete wouldn't break with our weights so we managed to bribe (after managing to steal half of them,) Tom to give his weights to us so we could use them as well as our own to break the concrete.

The lump of concrete eventually snapped so we took pity on Tom, who was awkwardly standing at his desk, so we gave him all the weights we had.

We then turned back to our desk and began to answer some questions out of the text book because we still had twenty minutes of the lesson left and we were bored of taunting Tom with the weights.

We were looking at balancing equations when something hard hit my head.


"What's up?"

Before Megan had asked the question I was looking around for whatever hit my head. I couldn't see anything though.

"I don't know, something hard hit the back of my head."

I turned round towards Tom and I picked up the courage I ask him.

"Did you just chuck something at my head Tom?"

" No, why?"

"Did you see anything fly past you?"

"No, why?"

I turned back around and just shrugged it off as nothing, but my head hurt like hell. So we went back to working on the equations. About five minutes before the end Mr State said we should begin to pack up for this lesson.

That's when I felt another hit on my head. I quickly turned around and saw Ali and Joe laughing like idiots.

I gingerly reached up to feel my head and when I bought my hand back down there was a bit of blood staining my hand.

I didn't do anything, I just calmly waited for the bleeding to stop and looked around on the floor and saw a massive bit of concrete lying a few feet away from me. That was it.

I stormed over to them. As I approached they were laughing like a pair of hyenas. Grace and her friend Lucy-James went and stood by Ali and Joe. They Whispered something and then all of them began laughing.

"What is your problem Ali?"

"Err you maybe you freak!"

"How am I am freak?"

"You just are, what are you a nun? You are so boring and you always work and never wear makeup or short clothes!"

"Is that such a bad thing? Just because you do it."


"No I didn't Ali, you heard what I said."

"Omg guys she called me a slut! You heard her didn't you?!"

There was a brief pause before Joe, Grace and Lucy-James all started nodding and agreeing.

"Defiantly she called you a slut."

"If anyone's a slut it her not you Ali!"

"How dare she have the nerve to call you a slut!"

"See 'Issy' everyone heard you calling me a slut so don't deny it okay? Or things could get rather uncomfortable and you might end up wishing you hadn't messed with us. Got it?"

I didn't bother replying I just walked back over to Megan and Tom and began to pack my things away.

"So Izzy was it Ali how chucked the concrete at you?"

"I don't know Megan I tried to talk to her but she started saying that I had called her a slut, which I didn't and making fun of me."

"Really she has got a nerve! How's you head?"

"Fine I guess, hurts a bit though so I'm going to got to the nurse. I'll see you later."

"Okay just don't get hit by anymore concrete!"

I grabbed my bag and walked out, Mr State just looked at me as I walked out the door, I had no intention of going to the nurse.

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