Killer Croc

117 2 0

Waylon Jones

Alligator Wrestler
Professional Criminal

Gotham (Sewers)
Iron Heights Penitentiary




10 ft 5 in (Arkham Origins)
11 ft (Arkham Asylum-Knight)

Batman: Arkham Origins- 850+ lbs
Batman: Arkham Asylum- 580 lbs

Abandoned to his abusive and alcoholic aunt and abused and bullied his entire life due to his appearance, the result of a genetic disorder he was born with, Waylon Jones embraced his animal instincts and violently murdered and devoured his aunt after he finally reached his breaking point. Joining a traveling circus and adopting the stage name of "Killer Croc", Jones bonded with his fellow carnival workers and felt like he had a family for the first time.

That came to a tragic end, however, when vicious audience members in Gotham City destroyed the carnival and killed all whom Jones had felt affection for. Seeking revenge on all humanity for their crimes, Croc began to devour countless individuals to survive, and became a monster in both body and spirit. Driven by hatred and a lust for blood, Croc regularly worked with Gotham's various mob organizations as a brutal and cannibalistic hit-man to satisfy his appetite for violence and money. Seeing all humans as selfish and judgmental sacks of flesh, Jones took orders from anyone who could provide him with money and a larger scope of victims.

He was 28 years old, 10 ft 5 in and weighed 485 pounds by the time of Batman's second year at crime fighting.

Born with a rare skin disease that only worsened over time, Waylon Jones was put under the guardianship of his incredibly abusive and alcoholic aunt after his mother died giving birth to him and his father had abandoned him. Brutally abused in his home and relentlessly bullied at school, Waylon accepted his place in society as always being seen as a monster.

As the years went on, Jones's condition made him more and more into a monster. That ultimately eradicated any traces of humanity that might have been left as he became a monster in both body and spirit. Always seeking his next meal, Croc never forgot the scent of Batman and lusted to kill and devour the hero in retribution for his capture at his hands.
After murdering his aunt upon finally reaching his breaking point, Waylon fled from society and eventually joined a traveling circus where he was made part of the freak-show, and became known as the alligator wrestler, "Killer Croc". Bonding with his fellow performers in the show, Jones finally felt as if he had a family, until a horrendous attack occurred at Gotham City by vicious audience members, who destroyed the circus and killed all whom Jones had felt attachment for.

Regardless, Jones eventually had various warrants, including 7 counts of assault, 8 counts of aggravated assault, 4 counts of murder of the first degree, 16 counts of murder of the second degree, 12 counts of manslaughter, 4 counts of drug dealing, and 5 counts of racketeering. During this time, Jones also tracked down and murdered the individuals who set the fire at the circus.

Seeing humanity as a disgusting waste of flesh, Jones became a cannibalistic murderer, and often employed himself to the mob for money, before he was apprehended by Batman on Christmas Eve at Blackgate Prison.

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