Chapter one

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Hi, I'm Achilles! You may know me from the Trojan War from the Greek Mythology. I am going to tell you my story. But before you get all exited about me telling you my story, I need to tell you a few things. First of all you need to know that I didn't want to be a hero, I just wanted to live my life in piece and just enjoy living in a nice home, lovely wife or maybe husband, a few children and who knows what else. Okey, so now you know that I didn't want to be the hero of the story, I need to tell you about my childhood and even more important, my parents. I'm a half-blood. And let me warn you beforehand, if you start recognizing some signs of being a half-blood, stop reading because your better off thinking all of this didn't happen and that the gods and stuff didn't exist. Okey, so, I did my warnings to you, so don't blame me for anything that might happen if you keep reading. 

As I said before, I'm a half-blood, that means that I have a mortal parent and a godly parent. In my case, my father is the mortal one, his name is Peleus and he was the king of Phthia. Then there is my mother, Thetis. She is a goddess of the sea, one of the 50 Nereids and daughter of the ancient sea god Nereus. My mother fell in love with my dad and well, they had me. You must understand that gods aren't pregnant for 9 months as mortals, they give birth within a very small period of time. So, I was born and my mother had somehow foreseen that I was going to be important one day, there had been a prophesy about me. It said that I would either die a tragic but heroic death, or that I'd live a long and happy life. That's why my mother went to the underworld with me, and she submerged me in the river Styx. And for those who don't know what happens if you go underwater in the Styx, trust me, it isn't something you want to find out. My mother held me at my heel and almost drowned me. As soon as the water touched me, it burned my skin. I felt like my flesh got melted away and that my bones would just crumble. I saw a flash of my future life, battles, practicing, the gods, Patroclus and a centaur. I could almost relive all the memories, the only thing was, they hadn't happened yet. My whole life was flashing in front of me. I saw my children, I looked happy. Then, the dark things began to appear. I saw myself crying in a tent, sobbing over the body of someone. I saw my children disappear in front of me, I saw the worst nightmare you could think of. My skin was still burning and I felt like my head was about to explode! Then I saw Patroclus, whoever that may be, sitting on a boat and reaching his hand out to me to pull me out of the water. I know now that that never happened. When you are in the river Styx, there is something that needs to hold you on to your mortal life, and I realized, Patroclus was my biggest reason to live. Sadly I remembered all these things after I died so I found that out pretty late, but still. Then, my mother pulled me out of the water, just as I reached for Patroclus's hand. My skin was red and burned, I didn't feel any different then before, just a bit hotter and more burned. But the job was done. Every single place on my body -except my heel- was immortal. Now nothing could hurt me anymore, I couldn't get hurt in any way, not the biggest weapons could do any harm to me. I still had one weak spot, my heel, if someone found out about that and hit me on my left heel, I'd die. If your born a mortal you can't become fully immortal, there always has to be something that can kill you, a part of you had to be vulnerable. After all, the gods wouldn't want to be threatened by some stupid mortals. Can you imagine? Oh hey, you're a mortal, you want to be as the gods, just take a swim in the Styx. No, it doesn't work that way. So, my mortal spot was my heel, keep that in mind for later on in the story, it's going to be a big part in the story. 

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