Chapter five

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After a few hours, Patroclus had returned. He had heard everything Agamemnon had said in his tent and he was telling everything to me. Agamemnon was going to offer his own daughter and even worse, he was tricking her into coming. "You have three guesses, what do you think he is tricking his daughter with, what lie do you think he is telling her?" Patroclus asked. "He is going to tell her that her precents is requested?" I asked hopefully. "No, he is going to tell her that you are going to marry her!" I looked at him in shock, "What?!?" at that point I knew I wasn't going to like Agamemnon very much. "Why would he even do that, that's just... just cruel! No, I will stop him, that little girl is not going to die when she was lured here with me as an excuse. I can't let him do that, Patroclus!"

"I know honey, but I'm afraid you'll have to. You don't want Agamemnon as your enemy, not yet. Let the girl come and try to tell her, in the meantime, pray as much as you can to Artemis, she is the goddess who wats the girl dead. Maybe she will be merciful. Pray Achilles, tell her what you know now, I will pray with you." Deep down I didn't believe it could work, but when that thought came to my mind, I quickly thought about something else. I really wanted to believe it would work. "Yeah, we'll do that, hopefully it will work." I said.

The next dayPatroclus told me he had a mailman seen leaving. That meant we probably hadabout a week before she arrived. I fell down on my knees and started praying."Oh Artemis, beautiful and powerful goddess of the moon and hunt, please do notpunish this little girl, punish Agamemnon instead. She has still so much tolive for, she still has so much to achieve. Please, oh beautiful goddess, youare also a goddess who will always support girls. Instead of making Agamemnonkill her, let her become one of your huntresses. Give this little girl what shedeserves." And with that being said, I rose up again and went to my tent again. Thenext 5 days I prayed about 8 times a day, after the 5th day, Iphigeniaarrived at the camp. As soon as I saw her, I tried to reach her, but it wasuseless. Agamemnon had already welcomed her in his tent and I got to the tentin time to hear him say: " any minute. I've already told him you arrived."I fell to my knees again, "Please, oh great Artemis, please. Do not let himkill her. I'm begging you...," I muttered.About 10 minutes later I saw Agamemnon come outside, he saw me and walkedtowards me. Our eyes locked and he made his message clear already, don't youdare doing anything. Then, he stood before me. "I'm warning you boy, if you tryto help or warn her in any way, you'll be next." That being said, he turned aroundand walked back to his tent again. A few minutes went by, I stood in shockthere. Did he forget that he can't killme? Did he forget that I was submerged in the Styx. He couldn't possibly bethis desperate to kill his own daughter, could he? It started raining but Ididn't care, I had to try. I needed to see her, maybe I could warn her in someway. 5 minutes went by, still no sign of them coming outside. My hair startedto get a bit soaked now. 10 minutes, I was completely soaked now, my clothes whereheavy and my hair almost looked brown instead of blonde. 12 minutes, my hairwas sticking to my head. The water was draining from my face and I almostcouldn't see anything anymore. If it would keep going like this, the river wasgoing to flood. Then, I hear it, a noise, Agamemnon and Iphigenia finally cameoutside. The walked directly to the altar. Of course! Why hadn't I seen thistrough before. The altar could also be used to marry someone. I tried to yellat her, I needed to warn her, but no sound came out. My voice had been taken. Itried to say something, but of course I couldn't. I looked in disgust atAgamemnon, they had arrived at the altar and he was saying something to hisdaughter. She looked up at him, she was looking very upset. I had the feelingthat he told her what his plan really was. She knew her own father was going tosacrifice her. She was nodding, "Yes father, I understand. I will do as youwish," she said. – I think – I was still praying to Artemis, hoping, no,begging her to answer my prayers. Iphigenia was walking to the altar now. She took the little stairs upthe altar. She didn't even cry, or at least, I don't think she did. It was hardto tell since it was still raining very hard and we were all soaking wet. Atleast she didn't struggle in any way. Agamemnon took out a beautiful dagger,later I wondered where he could have possibly gotten it. It looked worthy tothe gods. He looked broken about the thing he had to do, everyone looked at thegirl in awe. I didn't care. Yeah, sure, they felt bad for her but they stilldidn't do anything about it. They didn't do anything in their power to helpher. Agamemnon raised his dagger, a tear went down his cheek. I didn't want tolook, but I had to. He started to lower his dagger, then it happened. A flashof moonlight went across the altar. It blinded us all for a couple of seconds,by the time I could see again the girl was gone. The place where she had beenlaying just a few seconds ago, stood now a beautiful deer. Artemis had savedthe girl! The deer stood there for a minute or two. Everyone looked at it inamazement. Agamemnon looked happy and confused at the same time, but I couldn'tcare less. Then, another flash of moonlight and the deer vaporized, she wasgone, free, away from her awful father. And between you and me, I think Artemisjust found herself a new deer, one who is worthy of her bravery. I had afeeling Iphigenia would make a great sacred deer for the goddess. Everybody wastalking, they were amazed by what just happened. Of course Agamemnon got overit as first. "Friends, look! The wind has returned, the great Artemis hasforgiven me and is on our side again. Let's not stay in grief now, let's go towar. Prepare the ships, we will sail out later today!" it went just as he said.We were ready to leave about two hours later. We all boarded our ships andsailed away. Finally we were on our way to Troy. 

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