Chapter nine

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Patroclus wasn't his cheerfully self the last few weeks. He looked a bit sad but every time I asked him about it, he said everything is fine Achilles. Achilles, not even honey or sweetheart like he normally does. I did something wrong, I knew I did I just had no idea what it was. Now I know I never wanted to find out but it's too late now. One day Patroclus came to me. He couldn't keep in his tears anymore and so he came crying to me. "What is wrong, Patroclus? You have been feeling down for a few weeks already and you still haven't told me why that is. I love you okey? Please just finally tell me what's wrong. Why have you been feeling down lately," I asked in one breath. As soon as I did that I realized I shouldn't have done it. He started crying even more. I had upset him by getting this angry. I could hit myself, ughh, why would you be this mean to him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound angry at all because I'm not angry, not at you at least. Please don't be upset because of me," I said. This time a bit slower then last time so he'd know I indeed wasn't angry anymore. "Achilles, I'm upset because of your insensitivity. You have a hear of stone for not fighting. Don't you care about the Greek at all? Are you even sure that Peleus and Thetis are your father and mother? It seems like you have been bared by the blue-grey sea and the hard huge rocks. You don't show any form of sensitivity and you don't even care about all our men who are dying out there. Zeus has cursed our men. We cant win and we are losing people very fast. They all die of the most stupid causes. Yesterday Andres died and he was one of the best men from Odysseus, he was the best archer in our camp and he got struck by lightning. You are the cause of this curse, you asked your mother to convince Zeus to do this to us. You do understand that Zeus doesn't care who he kills do you? I could be next. But for this I'm not here. I want to ask you something. If you don't want to fight, that's fine, but please let me fight for you instead. Let me put on your battle armor and take the Myrmidones to battle the Trojans. They are getting close to burning our ships now and you are the only one that can stop them. Let me go disguised as you and drive them away from our ships. Please Achilles, I feel bad for our men, I want to help them and this is the only way," he finished with a long pause. "I don't know Patroclus, it will be very difficult and I don't want you to get hurt. I would never forgive myself if you did. You're lucky I don't like to see you this sad. You can do what you asked. My anger wont be over unless and only unless the Trojans burn my ship. You will put on my armor and lead the Myrmidones to the ships to drive the Trojans away. But remember this Patroclus because this is very important. Once you have driven the Trojans away from the ships, go back to the camp. do not go any further into battle. Will you promise me that?" I looked at him, he seemed relieved that I didn't yell at him or that I denied his request. He looked a lot happier now I said yes. "Yes Achilles, I will promise to return to camp after I have driven the Trojans away from our ships." I stood up, "Okey then, I will give you my armor and while you change into that, I will warn our men." I took out my armor, gave it to Patroclus and then I quickly ran out of the tent, trying to warn all our men as quick as possible. When I had warned every single one of them, I returned to my tent. Patroclus had already changed and he stood there. He looked so manly in that, I thought to myself. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "You look good," I said. "Thanks," he replied. We looked at each other for few seconds and then ran to each other. We hugged like we had never hugged. That hug turned into a kiss and when we released each other again, we both blushed. One of our men came in, "We're ready for battle sir," he grumped. He had a very deep voice, it made you feel very you, stupid and small. "We are too, just one more minute." Then I turned to Patroclus one last time, "Bye, my love," I said. "I will see you soon again, stick to the plan!" he grinned, "Yes sir," he said jokingly. "Kidding, goodbye my love, I'll see you again very soon." And he after that, he took off. I sat down again. I felt so tired after this, I decided to take a nap. I walked over to my bed and fell almost immediately asleep. I had a weird dream about me fighting in battle again but I didn't remember it when I woke up again. 

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