Chapter seven

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I figured that the best way to go was the nearbyforest. so I went to a nearby forest. I quickly walked towards the forest edge hopingno one would see me. My thoughts were going too fast, I couldn't keep up. Ifelt extremely angry. He didn't care about anyone but himself. He was such aselfish jerk. Without realizing it, my feet brought me to my favorite place. Itwas a small lake with a stream that went on for about a plethron*. It was surrounded with rocks, lilies, plantsand loads of animals. I sat down at a big rock next to the stream. The sound ofthe water floating and the birds chirping made me relax. I stared at a tree foran hour or two. I finally got my thoughts organized again. I saw a little birdwho had fallen out of his nest, I chuckled, then I stood up to help the littleguy. Just a second after I put the bird back in his nest, I heard footsteps. Iquickly turned around to see who it was. How did they find me here, nobody knewof this place. "Patroclus! You scared me man, I thought that they found me."With 'they' I meant Agamemnon and his whole bunch of soldiers and I thinkPatroclus knew about what happened because he laughed. "Yeah, I heard that youput on quite a show for Agamemnon. Well done," he said while still smiling. "Iput on quite the show?! Did you talk to Agamemnon or did he just tell that toeveryone so he wouldn't seem such a loser?" I was regretting my decision not tokill him already. "I'm just joking, Achilles, Agamemnon doesn't dare to sayanything, I think that he is scared off you." Yeah, that could be true, he wasnot very brave and after all, he does know who I am and that I am the strongestGreek. I didn't respond to Patroclus but he knew what I was thinking. He walkedup to me and sat down next to me. We just sat there for a few hours. When itstarted to get dark, Patroclus said: "We should probable be heading back to thecamp before they get worried. You don't have to talk to anyone," he quicklyadded when he saw my face. I didn't want to go back to the camp but I knewPatroclus was right. I stood up and together we walked back to the camp. Wetook the smart route so we didn't have to go trough the camp itself. We justwalked around it and we ended up next to my, now our tent, and we went inside.As we went inside I saw the coast was clear, we were alone. "Patroclus, couldyou please do me a favor? Could you go to one of the storage sheds and get somefood? I haven't eaten all day yet but I don't want to go outside yet."Patroclus also looked hungry. "Sure, my dear, but I wont get some food, I willget ingredients and make you some dinner." I smiled at him in a loving yetthankful way and he turned around and walked out of our tent. I sat down on mybed and waited, after a minute or so he was back and walked in our tent withhis arms full food. Even though I felt miserable I couldn't help but smile. Hedropped the food on the table and started to light a fire. When he had choppedup the vegetables and did some liquid stuff in the pot, it started to smellreally good. About 15 minutes later, dinner was ready. Patroclus dividedeverything over two wooden plates, he had crafted them himself with his dagger.He gave the plate with the most food to me and we both ate our food. It tastedso good, I had always wondered where he learned how to cook like that, but Ihad never asked him about it. We silently finished our food. I could see healso enjoyed it. We put our plates away and talked for a few more minutesbefore we went to bed. I hadn't realized I was this tired, before I knew it, Iwas gone. I got engulfed in my dreams, but the next day when I tried toremember, I couldn't. When I woke up, for a second I didn't think about yesterday.Unfortunately, it all came back to me. I looked at Patroclus, he was stillasleep. I got ready as quiet as I could, so I wouldn't wake him up. I terriblyfailed at it, as soon as I got my clothes, I knocked over the plates fromyesterday. KlOnK! Patroclus was awake immediately. He looked a bit startled."Sorry...," I said a bit quiet. I felt bad for waking him up. He laughed, "that's fine, I should have known it was you. I was already starting to wake up." We both got ready and just as we were deciding what we wanted to eat, someone was knocking on our door.

*A plethron is an ancient Greek measurement method. A plethron equals 30,8 meter but Achilles means about 30 meters here. 

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