Chapter eight

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Great, I thought, probably someone who want to talk about yesterday. I was so not in the mood to talk to anyone, especially after Agamemnon had told everyone his side of the story. He had made me look very bad. I sadly couldn't just ignore them, they would think something was wrong with me or anything. "Come in," I said. The door flew open and there stood Odysseus. "Hello Odysseus, what brings you here," I asked. "The reason for my visit, Achilles, is your fight with Agamemnon. I truly understand that your angry but I don't think Agamemnon is going to get any better. He just is a jerk, nothing we can do about that I'm afraid. You however can do something about it Achilles. You care about all Greek and if you won't give Briseis to Agamemnon, a whole lot more catastrophes are going to happen. You do not want to have a fight with a god. Please Achilles, go talk to Agamemnon and try to make it up to him. Show us you are better than him. Give him the girl and that way all men will be very thankful to you." Who did he think I was? I was not going to apologize any time soon and if Agamemnon did take Briseis, ohh, don't even get me started, I laughed out loud. "I'm sorry Odysseus, but I will not apologize to Agamemnon nor will I give him what he wants. I'm willing to do loads of things for the Greek but this is too much, even for me. If I do this, I'm not worthy enough to be a hero." With that being said, I dismissed them from my tent. The fight between me and Agamemnon went on for a few weeks. We refused to speak to each other or to even be near each other. Agamemnon was getting quite angry because he knew he had to give his 'slave' back to the priest soon. He also understood this couldn't go on for forever. After we had not spoken to each other for seventeen days, he came to me. "Achilles, I've been thinking and I am going to take your slave girl. I don't care about your opinion in this, I still am the commander in chief of this army, I'm the one who is leading the Greek into factory. I will send a few of my men to pick you up later today." I couldn't believe what I just heard. He couldn't do this. I had to stop him. I wanted to strike at him again but this time, the men with him were prepared. They attacked me from the behind and pinned me down to the ground. Then they went in my tent and took Briseis with them. I felt deeply offended, not only did they take away my girl, they also tarnished my honor. I was furious. A cold shiver of hate went through my body. My whole body went cold and stiff. My heart stopped beating for a few seconds, that's how angry I was. I wanted to rip his head off. I wanted to tear them all apart and throw them into the depths of Tartarus. I.. I, nope, this was it. I didn't care about the Greek anymore, I hated Agamemnon. I truly hated him. I wasn't going to fight no more. He could figure out himself how he was going to fix this. He could win this war himself, without me or my men. Yeah, that's right, I was so angry I decided not to fight anymore. I also forbid my men to fight. If Agamemnon thought he was so amazing, well then he could safe the Greek from getting defeated. I am a hero, not anybody tarnishes my honor. I went inside my tent again and sat down.

A few weeks had gone by. One morning I heard knocking on my door again. "Come in," I said. There stood Odysseus, Ajax and Foinix, he used to be my old educator and caretaker. "Please sit down," I told them. I quickly stood up and got some food. "I'm assuming you all would like some breakfast?" they nodded so I set the table for 5. Me and Patroclus asked a few girls to prepare us some food and then also sat down. The girls brought us the food and we gladly started eating. We had some nice conversations before Odysseus started about Agamemnon. "Achilles, we have talked to Agamemnon and he has agreed with us. We need you in this war and Agamemnon is prepared to give the girl Briseis back to you, with loads of treasures and gifts. Please Achilles, don't be so cold anymore and have mercy for all of us. We really need you back."

"Your gifts I don't care about! You all have tarnished my honor and I still am deeply offended. My mother told me the following: Achilles, your fate will be decided by your decisions. If you fight you will live a short but glorious life and if you go home you will live a long and happy life. Right now the long and happy life pleases me more. I don't want the fame. I just want to live a long and happy life with my loved ones" and with that, I dismissed them again out of my tent.

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