Chapter four

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I was laying in bed at home. I was talking to Patroclus and I was eating some grapes. It had been a few months since we returned home from camp and I still hadn't told anyone about my little chat with Pallas Athena. Patroclus was telling me a story but my thoughts wondered off. I had just remembered a dream I had last night. It had been blurry but I had heard a voice. "The thing you fear to happen is coming soon... Be prepared for battle little hero..." and I didn't have to be a genius to figure out what that meant. Though it hadn't been Athena who spoke to me, I was pretty sure it was her message and... before I could finish that phrase my dad came I and said: "Helena, the most beautiful woman of all Greece has been stolen from Menelaus! Some boy from Troy came to him and he misused his hospitality. The moment he left home, that boy took Helena and left. Agamemnon has asked us to send him our best man, a war is coming Achilles, go get ready and warn our army! You are going to lead them into battle." A deadly silence fell. I looked to Patroclus, he looked just as shocked as I did. "What...?" I managed to say, still shocked. "I said, go get our army ready, we are going to Aulis, we will meet with Agamemnon and many other great leaders there. The Trojans have made us a big insult. We will make them pay for stealing the most beautiful woman in all Greece. We will get Helena back! Now hurry son, we don't have much time to get ready."

It went just as my father had ordered, I gathered our men and after we packed we went to Aulis. Once we arrived we saw Agamemnon and a few other great leaders standing there already. Huge ships were laying in the bay with the Greek flags. I looked at the leaders and the flags. I soon realized that Odysseus, king of Ithaca and Menelaus, king of Sparta and (ex)husband of Helena were the only ones missing. We only had to wait 3 days before everyone had arrived. Happy to humiliate Troy and that stupid Paris – the guy who took Helena and brought her to Troy – who had made a powerful enemy. We boarded our boats, the weather was looking good, this was going to be an easy trip. The sky was clear and the wind was good. I felt the wind messing up my hair, but I couldn't care less. Patroclus was standing by my side, he smiled at me. His hair was flapping in the wind, his eyes looked extremely blue, the sun was shining in his face and it made him look even more handsome. I wanted to kiss him but I knew I couldn't, not in front of all these people. I heard people yelling and I knew we were about to sail away. I looked away from his face, the sails were up, but we didn't move yet, "That's weird, why aren't we moving?"

"The wind is gone, one of my man said, it disappeared as soon as we were ready to take off." Gods, I thought. This can only be done by a god or goddess. This is bad news, if one of the gods is against us, we wont stand a change. We won't be able to get to Troy at all, we..."Agamemnon! You all might have noticed that the wind stopped blowing. You have Agamemnon to thank for that! He has insulted me and I will not restore the wind before he has made it up to me. I want you to offer your precious daughter to me, show me that you are sorry for what you did. If you don't, you wont ever get to Troy. Next time you shoot a deer, don't shoot my sacred deer. You have two weeks, Agamemnon, choose wisely." Then, the voice was gone. Everyone looked at Agamemnon, what were we supposed to do? I felt bad for the little girl, she didn't do anything wrong after all. "Hegemm", Agamemnon cleared his throat. "Friends, don't you worry about this, I will take care of everything, we will be on our way to Troy within two week, easily." I didn't trust Agamemnon, he wouldn't really sacrifice his own daughter, would he? I looked at Patroclus and I saw he was thinking about the same thing. "I'll follow Agamemnon to see what he's up to", he said, "I will tell you later." And that being said, he turned around and ran away. 

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