Chapter 24: Relief and hope

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For a few moments, Beatrice felt like she was floating again, but she brushed that feeling off. Must be her enthusiasm.

"But after you've talked with him, you have to pack up your things and go. Is that a deal?" The boss said in a toneless voice. The smile had disappeared from her face.

Beatrice walked towards the kitchen's doors, where the boss was standing, and shook her fin. "Deal."

"Room 601."

Clenching her fists again, but this time in anticipation instead of anger, Beatrice nodded fiercely. She wanted to run towards the elevators, but contained herself and walked away normally.

"I wish you luck," the boss said. And at that exact moment, the kitchen doors closed.

Beatrice could barely contain herself. This was the closest she'd been to answers up until now. She walked as fast as she could towards the elevator. Sixth floor, same as hers. She got in and tried to close the door, but the sad looking blobfish wanted to get in. Even though every fibre in Beatrice's body was telling her to press the button that closes the elevator doors, she couldn't do it. The poor blobfish already looked so miserable, she didn't want to ruin his day even more so she stuck her foot between the doors and waited for him to get in. It took a little longer than Beatrice had hoped, the blobfish was quite slow, but when he finally arrived she quickly pressed the number six.

"Where do you need to go, sir?"


Beatrice gritted her teeth and pressed the first number. Couldn't the blobfish have taken the stairs to the first floor?

The awkward elevator music was playing and Beatrice wasn't sure if she was supposed to talk to the blobfish, or just stand in silence. What was the proper elevator etiquette anyways?

It seemed that she didn't have to choose, the blobfish started talking to her. "I really appreciate what you've done with the place."

Beatrice had no idea what he meant by that so she simply smiled and nodded.

"The new food is delicious and that receptionist has been way nicer ever since you set foot here. You even got those whales to stay here, I heard. Great job on that, they're the best singers in the whole world. I love their shows."

"Me too."

"You changed this place, made it better. You know, I would've left a long time ago if it wasn't for you."

When in doubt what to say, keep on smiling, Beatrice repeated her mother's words in her head.

"Thanks for holding the door by the way." The blobfish told her before getting out at the first floor.

"No problem." 

Once more, Beatrice regretted her judgemental nature. The blobfish turned out to be very nice and grateful. He seemed like a good person, or fish in this case. Holding the door for a few seconds really shouldn't be that much of a problem.

When the elevator finally got to the sixth floor Beatrice ran through the corridor. The first room was at the other side of the hallway.

It was a long run. Beatrice now knew how to navigate through the fish. That included jumping and ducking, which wasn't very graceful, but it was very effective. The rush of adrenaline made her go even faster. Beatrice felt as if she was flying. Every jump she took was higher and higher and she had no intention of slowing down. Unbeknownst to Beatrice, she was flying. She floated through the air, just like the fish around her.

When she arrived at room 601 Beatrice immediately knocked on the door.

A catfish with big bags under its eyes opened it. "Yes?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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