Chapter Ten: The song

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Without noticing it, Beatrice held her breath. Every fibre of her body was awaiting the sound that was about to be blasted through the restaurant's speakers.

The lights dimmed and the left whale began to sing, soon followed by the other two. It was a mystical and deep sound that filled the room. The words that came out of the whales' mouths were incomprehensible, but still filled with meaning.

For some reason Beatrice had the feeling that she knew exactly what the song was about. It was slow paced, filled with deep and long sounds. The emotion quivered in their voices. Their song was about grief, Beatrice was entirely sure.

She shivered. The song made its way to her heart, where it made her feel those feelings of grief intensely. It wasn't an unsettling feeling, however. This song was how she had felt these last two weeks. There was an understanding between her and the sounds.

A tear fell down her cheek. Glen noticed, but he didn't say a word. He just looked at the whales and tried to comprehend what it was that this girl found so moving about them.

At this point, tears were streaming down her cheeks, except she didn't notice them as she was completely captivated with the singing. When the singing stopped, Beatrice quickly brushed her tears away with her sleeve, hoping that Glen wouldn't comment on her vulnerability.

Luckily, he didn't. He just stared at his food and didn't say a word. There was a long silence. A rather uncomfortable one, on top of that.

Finally, Beatrice decided to break the silence. "Sorry about that. It was just a really beautiful song."

"Yeah, don't worry about it. I liked it too."

Even though Beatrice was aware that Glen was lying, she still appreciated him saying that.

"But I'd like to hear more about how you found that treasure near the sunken ship," Beatrice said quickly, to lighten the mood.

Glen's face immediately brightened up. "Ah yes, let me continue."

The whales started singing their second song and even though it was also very beautiful and whimsical, Beatrice tried to let it fade into the background. She tried to concentrate on Glen's loud voice and his extravagant hand (or in this case fin) gestures, but she tried in vain. The music was speaking to her, it was playing just for her. It was almost as if she had no choice but to listen. The sounds just made its way into her ear and blocked everything else.

The whales' songs just made so much sense to Beatrice. The feelings they invoked were so pure, real and familiar.

This time, however, she tried to at least make it look like she was listening to Glen's stories, to avoid another awkward silence.

Luckily, the shark was getting too caught up in his own anecdotes to pay too much attention. He was relieved to have someone to talk to again. Sharks spent most of their time alone. From the moment Glen was born, it had been him against the rest of the world. It was a lonely existence, so in some ways Glen was glad that the world had changed. Now he didn't have to be alone anymore.

Time passed by, the singing of the whales had stopped. There were quite a few different acts performing after, but they didn't interest Beatrice in the same way. She could fully concentrate on Glen's magnificent stories again. He even asked her about her adventures, but Beatrice didn't think she had much to tell. She told him about the time Riley and her tried shoplifting a pen from the store, just to know what the thrill was all about. They were caught in the act, though. Beatrice had been grounded for quite a few days after that incident and she never tried to steal something again.

"There's really nothing else you can tell me? You didn't do anything in your entire life, except for a failed thievery attempt. You've gotta be joking. I'm sure your life is slightly more interesting than that."

With a smile on her face Beatrice shook her head. "It's not. I never much liked taking risks, I never felt the need to. It was quite nice actually, feeling that comfortable and secure with the way things are. I can't say that about this world anymore."

"I'll take you on an adventure, one day. If you haven't found the answers you're looking for yet, I'll show you how fun unpredictable can be. We'll rob an entire store!"

The two new friends looked at each other and laughed.

"Sure, I'll hold you to that."

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