Chapter Twelve: First day of work

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The eel had just told her to be ready for work at half past six in the morning, but to be frank, Beatrice didn't care.

She couldn't help but chuckle at the eel's strict expression. "Yes, sir," she said with her best military impersonation.

It wasn't what Lenny intended to do, but he had to let out a snicker himself, which he followed with a cough. He had to stay professional after all. "Well? Are you going upstairs, or what?"

All Beatrice did was nod and wave. Then she turned away and walked towards the lift. To her surprise, the clownfish was still sitting there, on the couch in the receptionroom.

Curiosity took a hold of Beatrice. "What are you still doing here? What are you waiting for? Didn't Lenny already help you?"

Slowly, the clownfish turned her head. She had bags under her eyes and the orange colour of her scales seemed dimmed. "I'm supposed to keep sitting here for three more hours, then I can finally leave."

This didn't really answer any of Beatrice's questions, but at this point Beatrice had accepted that in this world she was never going to get a clear answer right away.

"Can I get you anything?" she decided to ask the poor orange fish.

"If you pass me again tomorrow, please talk with me for a bit. It gets boring sitting here all day and a lot of the people that sit next to me are a little bit... much."

"You don't like Glen?"

"The shark? No, he's loud."

Well she wasn't wrong.

"Alright, I'll talk with you, no problem."

"Thank you, Bee."

Beatrice squinted her eyes a little. "You know my name?"

The clownfish laughed. "You were making quite the scene here just now. Oh and, that shark Glen was talking in full volume while sitting next to me and you two were discussing your name so... Of course I overheard your name."

This caused Beatrice's face to redden slightly. Everyone in the reception had probably heard her whole negotiation with the whales. "Right... Well, I'll see you tomorrow, eh.. What's your name?"

"Vivienne, but you can call me Viv," Viv responded.

"Cool name," Beatrice decided.


To avoid the silence Beatrice pressed the button of the elevator. "I'm gonna go. Good luck with your sitting-session."

"Bye, Bee."

While Beatrice was waiting for the elevator to close its doors, a blob fish stepped inside and stood beside her. He looked pretty sad, but maybe blobfish just always look that way, Beatrice didn't know. She decided not to ask. This time her fatigue was greater than her curiosity.

When she arrived in her room, she didn't even take off her clothes. She did bring her pyjamas with her, in her bag, but she didn't bother putting them on. She went straight to bed. What a day it had been...

Singing whales, friendly sharks, a glamorous hotel slash restaurant decorated with marmer, seashells and sapphire... And on top of that, that glorious chandelier where all those small fish danced around, now that was the peak of beauty for Beatrice. She felt better than ever. She had made at least one friend, and she'd found something that understood her. It may have only been a song, but that was enough for her for now.

This night was calm. It was quiet, extremely quiet. Beatrice could swear she heard leaves fall from the trees onto the fluffy clouds. It was calm. It was nice. Her mind wasn't racing. She didn't feel any questions rising, she just accepted the way things were right now and tried to enjoy the absurdity for a while. She was just lying there, listening to the leaves, thinking about that song. Then she fell asleep.

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