Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

I bite my bottom lip in nervousness; wondering what I can wear. I stand in front of my closet, looking over my clothes. My mind is all over the place. What the fuck are you supposed to wear to go and watch one – out of your two – boyfriends, cage fighting?

I try on jeans, but decide they are not dressy enough. I try on a dress, but decide it is too dressy. I try on heels, but they are too high. I try on flats, but they are too low. I am in an ongoing paradox.

I grab my phone from my bed, and call Flynn. “Hey babe” he answers. I smile softly to myself – it is nice to hear him call me a pet name.

“Derek, I have a massive problem” I exclaim dramatically.

“So do I, but mine’s in my jeans” he replies. I sigh heavily, shaking my head as I chuckle. “Don’t laugh, it’s a continuous battle I have every day”.

“Listen, Derek, I need to know what to wear? Because, I mean, what do you wear to watch your boyfriend get the shit kicked out of him?”

“Rude” Flynn snorts, sounding offended. “Two things Violet; one, my name is Flynn. Please, for the love of god stop calling me Derek. Two; I would never get the shit kicked out of me. Maybe it’s cheating, maybe it’s not, but I fight humans”.

“So, you kick the shit out of people who are weaker than you?” I raise my eyebrow, even though he can’t see me. I am pretending to be annoyed with him, but I’m not really angry. I’m actually relieved that I know he will win against a human.

Flynn chuckles softly, “such a dirty mouth for such a pretty girl. Wear something casual. No dresses, I don’t want anyone to categorise you as a prize. If someone sees you, and takes a liking to you, then they might fight me for you. I have a feeling that’s going to happen in whatever you wear, but let’s just keep the tight dresses and revealing shirts to a minimum. Deal?”

“Deal” I reply. A few minutes later I hang up, and begin to ready myself. I take a shower first, before drying my hair. I curl my purple hair, wondering if I should dye it a different colour again soon, before clipping half of it up and allowing the rest of it to spiral downwards.

Then, I dress in a pair of jeans and match it with a black shirt. Deciding I look a bit too plain for a date, I slip on lots of jewellery including; a black velvet choker. I love this chocker; my parents always tell me it makes me look ‘gothic’, but I think it just makes me edgy. I feel like Flynn with agree.

Grabbing my leather jacket on the way out, I walk over to the male apartments. Flynn isn’t waiting for me, and I am confused by that. I head up to his room, and knock on the door. He quickly ushers me inside.

“I thought we were going out?” I question, confused. Flynn gives me a cocky, lopsided, smile before looking me over.

“Damn, you look so hot. I thought I told you to not look hot?” He slips his arms around my waist, and drawing me close. I look at him carefully, thinking it is he, who in fact, looks hot. His dark hair is swept back, gelled into a perfect quiff, and his dark eyes seem to glisten. He is wearing a white vest and some ripped jeans, yet still looks like a model.

“I can’t help that I look hot in everything” I shrug, smirking softly.

“That you do, my little PalmaViolet, that you do”. Flynn winks at me, slaps my ass, before pulling away from me. “Now, to answer your earlier question, we are going out. But, we have to sneak out. I told the marshals that we were having a romantic night in, because I don’t want them to cockblock me nor do I want the Alpha to know that I cage fight humans for money”.

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