Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

The other werewolf makes a quick exit, leaving Nick and I together. My mate, my beautiful lost mate, is standing right in front of me and I don't know what to do or say. So, I say nothing. Just stand there. Like a fucking idiot.

" are you doing here?" he breathes out. "Not that I don't want you here, it's just that, it's been over a year and--"

"I wanted to see you" I blurt out, cutting him off. Nick pauses, reaching up and running a hand over his mouth and chin. "I...can we talk?"

"Sure" he nods softly. "Let's walk. I know somewhere quiet we can go". I pick my rucksack up and heave it onto my back. "I'll carry that for you" Nick says, instantly with no thought. Always a gentleman. He takes the bag from my shoulder, careful not to touch my skin.

Nick walks into the territory and into the woods. I walk with him silently, trying to calm my racing heart and shaking hands to avail. This wasn't what I planned, so I have no idea what I am going to do.

The forests open up before going down to a small alcove of beach. It's pebble beach and the waves are calm today. We sit down on the edge and silently watch the water lap for a few second. Once more Nick breaks the silence. "You look good".

"I don't feel it" I admit softly. I look down at my hands in my lap as I try and get up the courage to say all the things I want to. I blurt something else out instead. "Are you...are you seeing anyone? Like a girlfriend, I mean".

"Oh" Nick mutters, "uh, yeah, her name is Jemma".

My heart shatters just a little bit more. "I get it. I hope you're happy with her".

"Athena? What are you doing here?"

"I made a mistake".

"With?" he prompts when I go quiet again.

"You. Us. Me". His head whips to look at me, his green eyes search my face. I carry on before he can say anything – I have to or I might chicken out and lie. "I should have fought harder. I should have come back. I should have never let you get away. I love you, always have and always will".


"You're with someone, I know, and I don't want to hurt you again. But losing you almost killed me, Nick. I was catatonic, they had to force feed me and I was in hospital for months. I was...I broke when you left me Nick. And I don't think I've ever really mended since then".

"Athena, I just--"

"I don't know why I am here and why am I telling you all this now. But, I just need you to know that I love you. I do. I have to tell you that or I will regret it every day of my life if I don't". Silence laps between us, just the sounds of the waves softly running over the pebbles.

"I lied" Nick blurts suddenly. I look at him in confusion. "Jemma, I made her up. I'm not seeing anyone. There has never been anyone else but you. I just didn't want you to think I was a loser still in love with you. I lied, there is no other girl".

A noise comes out of my mouth; something like a sob and a squeak of happiness. This is like a dream. This is what I wanted, what I needed, what I dreamed. Nick continues, "I know that I let you go but I regretted it everyday since then. You said you should have fought for me? You're wrong. It was me who should have fought for you. I let you go too easy. I stepped away from you. Why? So some other man could get what I wanted?"

"You were trying to save me pain".

"But I didn't save you anything. I've done a lot of self-reflection since you've left. I've always had shit confidence in myself and I self-sabotage everything good in my life. And you were the best thing I ever had and I let you go. I didn't fight, I just let you go".

"Then fight for me now" I admit. I grab his hands as I look into his glistening green eyes. "I'm here, now, not going anywhere Nick. So, please, fight for me. Today, tomorrow, every day after that".

"I love you Athena".

And then the tears do start. "I love you too, Nick".

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