Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

I awake in excitement. I will see Flynn again today, and for that I cannot wait. I am up ridiculously early, close to dawn. I manage to keep myself in my bed until at least six am, then I can’t contain myself any longer.

I take my time in the shower, but carefully choosing an outfit to wear. Finally, I settle on a pair of black three quarter jeans, paired with small white ballet flats; which match my white v neck shirt. I then brush out purple curls, but leave them down and over my shoulders.

Running out the house, I grab a granola bar and my camera, before I am running. “I really need to learn how to drive” I mumble to myself, as I walk towards the male apartments. I meant to start to learn after I turned seventeen, but here I am eighteen with no idea how to even change gears.

When I reach the male apartments, I can hardly contain my excitement. Yesterday when I came here to visit Arturo, I was more nervous because I didn’t know what to expect. But now, with Flynn, I’m bouncing on my heels like a toddler on crack.

“Hello” the receptionist says as I walk in. “Can I have your name please” she asks.

“Athena Dryer” I reply, not being able to smile brightly. She grabs a ring binder and looks through the names there; all of them of girls with mates in the building. All of them in the first three months of their eighteenth year – all of them facing the hardest decision of their lives. Just like me.

The receptionist finds my name, and I see two room numbers underneath them with both information on both Flynn and Arturo on the sheet. I gulp as she nods, looking at some kind of schedule that has been made, before grabbing a key and handing it to me.

“Thank you” I smile, then I find Flynn’s room. For a second I pause; should I knock or should I just go in. I think about this for a few seconds, before I shake my head at how ridiculous I am being. I use the key and walk inside.

The room seems empty, and I give a confused pause before I shut the door behind me. I walk through the lounge area, before I reach the bedroom. I peek in and see my mate asleep in the bed. I smirk when I see him.

His dark hair in messed, and his muscled chest bare. Perversely, I take a long pause to glance over his chest – I am very impressed with what I see. He looks so peaceful in his sleep; soft, even breaths moving his body. Kicking my shoes off, and dropping my bag on the floor, I can’t help but climb into bed with him.

I move quietly, not wanting to wake him. The bed dips slightly, as I rest my head on the pillow. I take a long inhale – god he smells amazing, it’s almost intoxicating. Arturo also smells amazing, but it is a different smell. I’m yet to decide which scent is better; I’m sure I will ever be able to choose.

I cuddle close into Flynn, and that seems to wake him. He blinks for a few seconds, before a lazy smile slips onto his face. “Um, this is like a dream I had last night” he smirks, his voice heavily from just waking. He moves forward, taking me into his arms. “But we had a lot less clothing on”.

I giggle as I snuggle closer into him – amazed at how nice it was to be in his arms. So nice and so right. As Flynn’s arm wraps around my small waist, and pulls me into his chest, I bury my face into his neck. My mate groans slightly as my lips accidently brush over his neck.

“You’re killing me here, Violet” Flynn whispers into my ear. I shiver as his morning breath blows over my skin. There is a heavy moment of pause before he sighs heavily. “How long do I get you for today?” He sounds sad, and I am also sad.

“I don’t know, they’ll come get me when are time is up” I reply. I feel him nod against me.

We spend about ten minutes embracing before we get up. “I’m going for a shower” Flynn tells me, before pausing. “You want to join me, or will I have to turn the dial to cold?”

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