Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

I spend the morning with Arturo – and it is blissful. But I don’t learn much about him, which annoys me a lot. It was because all he wanted to talk about was me. Now, I’m not complaining; because like the majority of teenage girls, I like the occasionally self-indulgence.

He just seems to have so many nice things to say to me. He managed to compliment every part of me today. I was never really a blusher before, but today it seemed to be all I was doing. Every time he says something sweet or nice, I turn redder than a tomato in the sun. But then he would comment on my blush, and it would grow worse.

However, it did frustrate me slightly that every time I tried to ask him about himself he would manage to turn the conversation back to me, or he would cut me off with some Italian blabber. I had worked out that his English isn’t great, but I do wish I could understand what the hell he is talking about.

I have worked out that the majority of his Italian rants are complements towards me – which I am defiantly not complaining about. The way the foreign words rolled off his tongue was like I had died and gone to heaven. I could sit and listen to him talk Italian to me all day.

As the time nears twelve, a knock comes on the door. I stand from my place on the couch, very close to Arturo, and walk over to the door. I open it to see one of the apartment marshals – there is a schedule and set timings with each mate on purpose; because otherwise problems could arise if the male mates have unequal time with their she-wolf. So we have marshals that enforce the schedules.

“Your time is almost up” the man tells me. I sigh heavily – saddened – before I nod yes and step back into the room. Arturo is at my side in a second. I slip my arms around his waist and lean my head onto my chest.

I am not the tallest of people, but Arturo makes me feel even smaller. I come to his mid-chest, my head in line with his heart. My Italian Adonis smiles down at me as he holds me to his front. I look up into his large blue eyes.

“Next time we go out, I will treat you mi amore” he tells me, smiling slightly.


“I will buy you the biggest dinner, and I will pick you a hundred red roses. I will sing to you, I will write you a song. Whatever you want me to do, mi amore. Anything to praise your beauty. Perché sei così bella”.

I love the way he can go between English and Italian so easily. It seems to make him more amazing. He is the kind of guy every girl dreams of, and I can see why. I think I need to pinch myself because I must be dreaming if I got a mate as perfect as Arturo.

“I hate this” he says, suddenly said. I give him a confused look – willing for him to explain. “I hate that I am not your only mate. The idea of you with another man - E mi fa così arrabbiato. I wish you were mine, tutto mio”.

I give him a sad nod of understanding. I also wish it was just me and him; he is perfect and I don’t want another. I wish I could just lock myself up with Arturo until my mating month is over, just so I never meet any of my other mates. Because I only want him, I don’t even want to meet the others. Because I know they will not hold a flame to Arturo.

“I don’t want to go” I whimper. If I had the choice I would not leave this apartment, I would actually have stayed in my mate’s arms forever if given the choice. But of course, I was on a clock. Life’s a bitch, but this curse was a bigger one.

“I wish you could stay too, mi amore” Arturo sighs heavily, leaning down and pressing his lips to my forehead. “Io ti farò del male fino a tornare” he mumbles – here he goes again with that damn sexy mouth of his. “Io sogno della vostra bellezza, ma io non sono sicuro che il mio subconscio ti farà giustizia”.

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