Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Flynn and his opponent — Dark Rascal — circle each other slowly; reminding me of predators stalking their prey. It is a dangerous game, of a hunter and a beast. I can only hope that Flynn is the hunter. I know he is, his strength easily outweighs the human, but that doesn't sooth my nerves any.

Flynn swings the first punch, catching Dark Rascal on the side of his face. It isn't amusing to watch the human grunt, and stumble back slightly. Yet, Flynn is smiling and the entire time and I can hear the soft hum coming out of his mouth in pleasure. I feel sick to my stomach.

"This is disgusting" I hiss, shaking my head. Colin and Mike look at me in shock.

"What do you mean?" Colin questions, his head cocking to the side as he studies me.

"We can all beat a human up, but it doesn't mean we should. It's like a human fighting a child, it's disgusting and unnecessary". I can feel my anger rising, and my hands curl into fists. I can't believe Flynn would do something low.

Colin and Mike look at one another, but don't say anything. I'm not shocked when Flynn is announced the winner, only seconds later. As soon as he comes out the ring, and is distracted with congratulations, I slip away.

I head towards the way we had come in, the mob around me hiding my escape. I move down the slim hallways, and out the back door. "Hold it there" a voice calls, and a hand grab my arm. It is the bouncer from earlier.

"What?" I snap.

"It's the middle of the night, you're a pretty little thing and you can't be walking around on your own".

"I'll be fine". I pull my arm away and begin to walk into the night.

"Seriously, you can't" the bouncer carries on, grabbing me again. Spinning on my heels I look into his eyes — and for a second I think about throwing him against the wall. But then I remind myself that it might kill the man, and he is only trying to look after me.

"Look, I'll be fine I promise" I sigh, pushing my hood down and running my hands through my hair. "It's nice of you to be concerned, but I can look after myself". There is a pause, before the bouncer sighs and bites his bottom lip.

I am about to leave again, but the door flies open and Flynn rushes out with Colin. He looks around frantically for me. When his eyes settle on me, and the bouncer's hand on me, he rushes over. "Get your goddamn hands off her, before I remove them myself" he screams in rage.

The bouncer moves away from me, as Flynn grabs me. I pull out of his hold, and he looks surprised. "He was just making sure I was safe, Flynn. And I don't feel safe with you, so if you don't mind I am going home" I growl out.

I begin to walk away — feeling like a stroppy teenager as I storm and scowl as I walk away. "Violet" he calls after me, I can hear him walking behind me. "Violet. Violet stop. Athena!" His voice grows louder and louder until he is shouting.

"What?" I scream back, spinning on my heels and coming to a stop. Flynn is so shocked by my sudden stop, that he stumbles slightly and our faces are almost touching.

"What happened? I'm so confused right now" Flynn replies.

"You! That's what happened. You're in there, beating up weak humans and enjoying it. What the fuck, Flynn?"

"I need the money".

"No one needs the money that bad, Flynn" I snap, turning back around and walking away. "I'm going home, do not follow me". I hear him follow me. "Don't fucking follow me" I shout.

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