Chapter 1

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"San? You awake?"

"Yeah." San opens his eyes tiredly, rubbing his eyes and sitting up. Seonghwa steps inside his room, the blond male appearing tired as well.

Well, when you work as a secret agent you would be.

Seonghwa sits down on the bed in front of him, placing his hand on San's head and stroking his hair softly. "How are you feeling?"

"Exhausted. Tired. Drained. Dead." San lists.

Seonghwa frowns, pulling him close and into a tight hug. San returns it, nuzzling his head into Seonghwa's neck like a kitten. The older Alpha lets him, stroking his back softly. "I'll bring you a glass of water and then we'll sleep, okay?"

San nods and reluctantly lets the older go, watching him disappear to the kitchen and come back with a glass of water like he promised. San takes the glass in his hands and starts drinking it, finishing it within a minute. He lets Seonghwa set it on the nightstand and lays back down, snuggling into the Alpha's chest when he lays down as well.

"Sleep pup." Seonghwa places a soft kiss on top of his head, running his fingers through his hair gently. San rests his head on his chest, closing his eyes and letting himself fall asleep to Seonghwa's calm breathing.


In the morning Seonghwa was the first one to wake up and cook breakfast for them. He also packed them some lunch and placed them in their backpacks, and of course, their clothes.

"Thanks Hyung."

"You're welcome. Now let's go. Eden is getting impatient."

"Isn't he always?"

Seonghwa laughs and shakes his head, taking his car keys from his pockets and swinging his backpack over his shoulder, walking them downstairs to the garage where their two Lamborghinis were perfectly seated.

"Yours or mine?"


Seonghwa nods, walking to his white Lamborghini Huracán Evo Spyder and getting in, tossing his backpack in the back along with San's and turning the engine on, both males putting on their seat belts. Seonghwa starts driving then, tossing his hair back and letting the wind ruffle it up.

San laughs beside him, telling him a funny story from the other day. "And then Jongho fell on his face, and Mingi just laughed at him like the idiot he was."

"Was Jongho okay?"

"Yep." San nods, smiling ear to ear. "Don't know if Mingi is though."

Seonghwa chuckles and shakes his head at their friends antics. "Typical Jongho and Mingi."


They settle into comfortable silence, chatting now and then about any topic coming to their mind. Soon they arrive in front of their agency, getting out of the car and taking their backpacks and waking inside.

"Hey you two!" Mingi greets them once they arrive on the 5th floor, their backpacks thrown carelessly onto their respective chairs.

"So you survived yesterday?" San asks smirking.

"He, magically, did." Jongho says from behind him, the youngest rolling his eyes.

❝𝙷𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎❞ ║ 𝕊𝕁 + 𝕎𝕊Where stories live. Discover now