Chapter 6

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Seonghwa was the one who walked Hongjoong back to his apartment, telling Eden he needs rest and just walking out of the building, the team silently shooed away by San.

"Make yourself home." Seonghwa says once they walked inside, turning the lights off and walking to his bedroom while removing his jacket and tie.

Hongjoong silently follows behind him, arms wrapped around his middle and mouth set into a thin line. He follows Seonghwa to the bedroom, the older already dressed in casual clothes and picking out clothes for him.

Seonghwa hands him the clothes, showing him to the bathroom. Hongjoong hesitantly walks inside, looking around the large spacious bathroom.

Seonghwa notices his hesitancy, stepping closer to him and placing his hand on his cheek softly, his thumb tracing his cheekbone.


Hongjoong bites his lip, unsure what to do next. "Can you..... Help me?"

Seonghwa seems confused for a moment then 'ahs'. "You want me to help you shower?"

Hongjoong nods silently, shying away from Seonghwa's piercing gaze. Seonghwa chuckles and kisses his forehead softly, helping him get his clothes off and toss them in the laundry basket. Then Seonghwa lets him in the shower and turns the water on, apologizing when the cold water hits his skin. Hongjoong lets him fix the water then grab the loaf and body wash and scrub him off.

He lets Seonghwa clean him and dress him. Once that was done Seonghwa takes a hairdryer and starts drying his hair, ruffling his hair and messing it up. After that he took a hairbrush and started brushing his hair, gently undoing the knots and leaving a kiss on his forehead once he was done.


"A little...."

Seonghwa chuckles and nods, taking his hand in his gently and leading them back to the kitchen. Hongjoong silently sits down on a stool, watching Seonghwa effortlessly grab the ingredients and start cooking. Soon he's done, placing the food on the plate and placing the plate in front of him. They settle in comfortable silence, eating quietly.

More like Seonghwa watching him like a concerned mother hen.

Seonghwa shooes him away to his bedroom once they're done eating, not letting him do anything. Not like Hongjoong minded but still, he wanted to help around after what he caused.

"I should apologize to San and Wooyoung tomorrow." He mumbles under his breath, getting under the blankets and inhaling sharply as Seonghwa's fruity scent hits his senses.

My heat should be soon though... Fuck.

Hongjoong feels the bed dip as Seonghwa lays down behind him, the Alpha bringing him close to his chest and pressing a soft kiss on his exposed shoulder. "Whats on your mind Joong?"

"My heat." He answers truthfully

Seonghwa shifts behind him, resting his chin on his shoulder and pressing a soft kiss on his cheek. "But you're pregnant?"

Hongjoong sighs heavily. "I don't know either."

Seonghwa slightly sits up behind him, leaning his head down and pressing a kiss on his temple. His hand slowly traces to Hongjoong's stomach, resting his fingertips on the exposed skin.

"I'll call Jin hyung tomorrow morning to check on you. Both heat and pregnancy."

Hongjoong nods slightly, turning his body around and setting himself close to Seonghwa, resting his head on the Alpha's chest and closing his eyes, purring a little as Seonghwa runs his fingers through his hair. The motion lulls him to sleep, darkness consuming his vision.


In the morning Seonghwa calls Seokjin to come over, the Omega instantly saying yes. While they're waiting for him Seonghwa cooks them breakfast, kissing his forehead softly and letting him eat.

Soon Seokjin comes over, gently soothing the younger Omega and checking him over. Seonghwa leaves them alone in the living room, waiting in the kitchen and face calling his teammates.

"How is he?" Eden asks.

"Better I think," Seonghwa answers, running his fingers through his hair. "Jin hyung is checking him over for both heat and pregnancy."

Eden nods, satisfied with the answer and leaving. Wooyoung's head pops over San's shoulder, the still 3 month pregnant Omega nuzzling into his mates shoulder. San lets him, kissing his head softly and rubbing his stomach gently.

"Hyung, do you really think he's pregnant?" Wooyoung asks.

"Probably. Him and I are just like you and Sannie." Seonghwa answers.

Wooyoung nods and hums, snuggling closer to San and closing his eyes, resting his tired body on San's muscular one.

"Seonghwa we're done." Seokjin's voice rings.

"I'll get going," Seonghwa takes his phone in his hand, waving to his teammates and walking back to the living room where Seokjin and Hongjoong are sitting on a large L shaped couch, Hongjoong tucked in one corner with a blanket covering him.

Seonghwa sits down next to him, pressing a soft kiss on his temple. "Results?"

"His heat will be after his pregnancy, two weeks after he gives birth I pressume. He'll have enough time to bond with the baby then."

Seokjin pulls out a paper and gives it to him. Seonghwa takes it and reads it, humming and nodding. "Alright, I'll call you if they are any changes."

Seokjin nods, says his goodbyes and leaves. Seonghwa places the paper in his pants pocket, leaning into the couch and pulling Hongjoong on his lap, pressing a soft kiss to the crown of his head and keeping him close.

"You're only a month in, but by next week, on San's birthday which is the 10th, you'll be two months pregnant."

Hongjoong nuzzles into his neck, lips set into a small smile and keeping his eyes closed as he hides in Seonghwa's neck. "San and Wooyoung.... Are they mated?"

"No, not yet. San hasn't mentioned anything about it."

"He did," At Seonghwa's silence, he continues, his chest filling with guilt and regret. "When San was kidnapped by my father's men, I visited him a few times. He said he wanted to marry and mate Wooyoung."

Seonghwa nods and presses a soft kiss on his temple, picking him up in his arms and carrying him back to their bedroom. He gently lays him down on the bed, settling himself close to the younger and keeping him to his chest.

"You just rest." Seonghwa presses a kiss on his cheek, smiling softly. "Sannie and Woo are coming over, I hope you don't mind."

Hongjoong shakes his head, not minding at all. In fact, he was glad, he wanted to talk to Wooyoung.

And apologize.

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