Chapter 7

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San bounces his two week old son in his arms, the baby cooing and playing with his father's fingers. He smiles at the adorable bean in his arms and walks back inside their bedroom, his mate and husband (they married a month ago) peacefully sleeping on his side, face stuffed in San's pillow.

He laughs at the sight and approaches their bed, gently laying Hansol down on the soft silky sheets and in front of his mother, the baby cooing for Wooyoung's attention.

Wooyoung's golden eyes flow open, long eyelashes curling in gentle waves and his smile so bright it made San blind. He chuckles at his mates dumbfounded expression and leans in to kiss his forehead softly, his lover giggling and pulling him closer to kiss him fully. San returns the kiss back, being careful to not crush their son and pulling away, nuzzling their noses together.

Hansol coos again, his coos soon turning into cries, the baby clearly hungry. San gently takes him in his arms and places him on Wooyoung's chest, guiding the baby's head to properly latch to his mother's nipple. Wooyoung giggles and kisses his sons head softly, stroking his chubby cheek softly.

San sits down next to him and watches them softly, his head gently resting on Wooyoung's shoulder. He places a soft kiss on his exposed shoulder, poking his cheek softly and giggling. Wooyoung playfully glares at him and bites his finger, his Alpha laughing and nuzzling their cheeks together.

"Are you hungry?"


"I'll go and make something."

Wooyoung nods and kisses his cheek softly, letting him go and watching their son eat. San goes downstairs to the kitchen where he quickly makes a simple meal, setting the plates on the table and calling for Wooyoung.

The latter comes down after a few minutes clad in only sweatpants, going to the older male and nuzzling into his neck. San laughs at his mates actions and lets him, kissing the crown of his head softly.

"Come on, let's eat."

An hour later they're both done eating, Wooyoung still attached to San like glue. San just lets him, knowing the younger gets clingy whenever he's away for too long.

"Gonna visit Joong and Hwa today. Wanna come?"

A few months ago Wooyoung, San and Hongjoong sat down and talked about everything while Seonghwa supervised, just in case if Hongjoong or San get triggered.

Wooyoung forgave Hongjoong the day after San was brought back to him, knowing it wasn't the olders fault and that he was manipulated by his father. San forgave him as well, hugging the older tightly and stroking his back as Hongjoong cried on his chest, gently soothing the Omega and kissing his forehead softly.

San and Wooyoung were never angry at Hongjoong, nor were the rest of their team. Hongjoong showed them what he went through with his scars, both physical and mental, things he could never forget because of one person that was supposed to love him and raise him.

Then, after finding out Hongjoong was pregnant on San's birthday last year, they all spent a few days with each other, playing around, having fun, telling stories.....



Wooyoung snaps out of his thoughts, eyes locking with San's worried ones.

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