Chapter 4

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A few days later San and Wooyoung have been placed in one large room together; because Wooyoung needs him to gain his strength back and because San kept whining he wants to be with Wooyoung and his unborn child.

The rest of their friends came to visit them whenever they could since they were busy finding Hongjoong.


A hand wraps around Wooyoung's smaller one, the calloused fingers gently rubbing circles into his palm. Wooyoung snaps out of his thoughts, turning his head and locking gazes with San, the black-white haired male staring at him gently.

Wooyoung knows what San wants to ask so he nods and snuggles closer into the olders chest, letting him kiss the top of his head and wrap his arms around him.

"How's the baby?"

"Okay." Wooyoung replies. He rests his head on San's shoulder, watching the Alpha's hair ruffle from the wind.

San's hands come to his stomach, his fingers gently rubbing circles on the exposed skin. Wooyoung giggles at the sensation, squirming a little. San laughs, all gentle and soft.

"God, I love you."

"I love you too baby."

San lifts his head up with his thumb and forefinger and closing the distance, their lips meeting in a sweet kiss. Wooyoung just smiles in the kiss, pulling San closer and wrapping his arms around him.

San pulls away then, smiling gently and kissing his forehead softly. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." Wooyoung just giggles at his cheesiness.

San laughs and shakes his head, gently patting his hip to tell him to get up. Wooyoung does that, helping San get up as well and walk back inside their hospital room.

They spend a few more days in the hospital until their assigned doctor told them they can go. Seonghwa drops them off in a empty penthouse that they both signed to buy and claim as their own.

San lets him walk in first, going upstairs to their room to drop off their bags. While he does that Wooyoung decides to make a simple meal for them, tired of the hospital food.

San comes back in a few minutes, now dressed in a pastel purple sweater and sweatpants, looking more comfortable than he was in the hospital. He wraps his arms around Wooyoung's waist gently, softly tracing small circles on his stomach.

"You're 3 months next week right?"

"Yeah, on the 10th. Wait—" Wooyoung looks up at the calendar, eyes widening. "On your birthday."

Raising a eyebrow San looks up at the calendar as well, eyes widening. "Fuck, it is."

"Do you want something for your birthday?"

"Just you and our baby. That's enough for me."

Wooyoung turns his head and plants a kiss on his lips, a smile on plastered on his face. San smiles as well, kissing his forehead softly.

"Continue cooking. I won't disturb you."

"Somehow I doubt that."

San just laughs and leaves after pecking his cheek softly. Wooyoung sets the food and their drinks on a tray and carries them upstairs to their room where he knows San is.


San sits up from his laying position, letting him set the tray on their bed and start eating.

"What do you need to gain strength back?"

"Uhm..." Wooyoung shies away from San's gaze, hoping the bed would swallow him whole.

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